
wù zhì xínɡ tài
  • physical form
  1. HBV-DNA阳性物质形态有胞质型、核型和核浆型,可单独或混合存在。

    HBV-DNA positive physical form have cytoplasmic type , karyotype and nuclear plasma type , can be alone or mix exist . 3 .

  2. 信息技术与城市物质形态互动初探

    Study on Interaction between Information Technology and Urban Physical Form

  3. 在过程J和过程K中,会产生哪些物质形态变化?

    What state of matter change happens at process J and process K ?

  4. 夸克胶子等离子体(QGP)是正在探索中的一种新物质形态,QGP是由强子物质通过退禁闭相变生成的。

    QGP is an exploring matter , which comes from hadron matters through deconfinement phase transition .

  5. Bose-Einstein凝聚是一种崭新的、奇特的物质形态,已成为当代物理学的一个研究热点。

    Bose-Einstein condensation is a new and peculiar matter-form , and has become one of the hotspots of research in contemporary physics .

  6. QGP是QCD在高温下的基本物质形态,这个高核子密度和高能量密度的物质形态可以用重离子碰撞(或者核-核碰撞)来实现。

    QGP is the basic state of QCD in high temperature . And it can be available in heavy ion colliding or nucleus-nucleus colliding .

  7. 最后,从比较简单的系统出发,建立了燃煤烟气中Cr/O2/Cl2化学动力学反应模型,分析了燃煤烟气中温度、Cl2浓度对痕量元素Cr物质形态的影响。

    Finally , chromium kinetic model in the relatively simple system of Cr / O2 / Cl2 was developed , and then the transformation of chromium species in flue gas was studied .

  8. RHIC和LHC上的相对论性重离子实验的一个主要目标就是寻找这种新的物质形态&夸克胶子等离子体。

    One of main objects of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions experiments at RHIC and LHC is to discover this kind of new state of matter-quark gluon plasma .

  9. 采用该合成方法使企业的全部业务过程沿着物质形态流水作业线不断地延长,直到都用ERP构件管理,这对企业资源计划系统在不同企业的应用具有现实意义。

    It should use the method to make all business course of enterprise to lengthen along the material form assembly line constantly , until managing with ERP modularization . It will thus have direct significance to the application in different enterprises of resource planning system of ERP .

  10. 研究QGP的理论基础是有限温度下的QCD,在70年代中期,正是这种有限温度量子场论预言了QGP这一新物质形态的存在。

    QCD at finite temperature is the theory to do research about QGP . In the middle of 1970 's , it is quantum field theory at finite temperature that predicts the existence of QGP .

  11. 长沙市历史文化名城物质形态方面的保护

    Material shape protection of famous historical and cultural city in Changsha

  12. 文学物质形态与文学语言观念探微

    The Material Form of Literature and the Conception of Literary Language

  13. 构成文学物质形态的真正因素是语言。

    Language is the actual component of the material form of literature .

  14. 流化状态下附碳赤铁矿粉物质形态的研究

    Research on physical conditions of carbon adhering hematite fines in fluidization state

  15. 技术是为社会谋取直接利益的手段、它可以表现为物质形态,也可以表现为非物质形态。

    Technology is a means to gain the direct profit for society .

  16. 关于物质形态进化的探索

    Some opinions about the evolution of , substance forms

  17. 它是企业理念形态文化、制度(行为)形态文化和物质形态文化的有机复合体。

    It is an organic complex of enterprise conception , system and matter .

  18. 主要由诚信文化的符号、价值观、规范和物质形态等构成。

    It consists of cultural symbols , values , norms and material forms etc.

  19. 当你通过热力学改变物质形态时,你是在,转移热量。

    You 're moving heat around When you 're changing matter through thermodynamics .

  20. 从量子场论看真空的物质形态问题

    Material form of vacuum from quantum field theory

  21. 语言是思维的物质形态。

    Language is the material form of thinking .

  22. 它是一种新的物质形态,一个宏观量子系统。

    It is a new state of matter , and a macroscopical quantum system .

  23. 二十世纪九十年代,中国进入了媒介社会,无论是作为物质形态的印刷技术、电子传输,还是作为观念层面的新闻理论、大众传播理念、文化理念都得到了迅速发展和更新。

    In the nineties of the 20th century , china enters a media society .

  24. 非物质形态遗产是社会文化具有生命力的组成部分。

    The intangible cultural heritage is a vital and integral component of the social culture .

  25. 多样性是指各种具体物质形态都具有各自特殊的质的规定性。

    While multiplicity refers to diversity of specific substances , each holding its individual essence .

  26. 闪亮像素是一个呈现四种非物质形态的展览。

    From Flash to Pixel is an exhibition which presents four states of the immaterial .

  27. 景观物质形态的系统化特征

    Systematic characters of the landscape material form

  28. 堆肥处理对污泥腐殖物质形态及其重金属分配的影响

    Component changes of humic substances and heavy metal distribution before and after sewage sludge composting

  29. 新技术商业化是知识形态的科学技术转化成为物质形态的生产力的过程。

    New technology commercialization is the process of transforming science and technology knowledge into productivity .

  30. 这些神祗或者有着切实的物质形态,另一些则更像是一种抽象的能量形式。

    This divinity may be in a tangible physical form or a more abstract energy form .