
  • 网络Extremities;Epiphysis;capitulum;Bony end
  1. 四肢长骨骨端骨折的手术治疗

    Operative Treatment of the Limb Extremities Fractures

  2. 结果:囊性型29例,表现为骨端膨胀性偏心性骨破坏;

    Result : Twenty-nine cases of cystic type had eccentric expanding destruction of bone at the end of long bone extremities .

  3. C组:12周缺损区被纤维结缔组织填充,骨端增生不活跃,髓腔封闭。

    In group C , at 12th week , the defect area was filled by fibrous connective tissue , hyperplasy in broken ends were inconspicuous , and medullary cavities were blocked .

  4. B组中所有动物在6周内截骨端出现延迟愈合,部分伴有畸形,骨断端有大量肥大骨痂形成。

    The radiographs displayed well formed atrophic non union . In Group B , after 6 weeks , all rabbits were found that fracture healing was delayed , with some also having deformity .

  5. 材料与方法:对资料完整曾行CT检查并经活检或手术病理证实的长骨骨端囊样骨肿瘤及肿瘤样病变45例进行回顾性分析。

    Materials and Method : CT examinations of 45 patients with cyst like bone tumors and tumor like lesions in the end of long bone were retrospectively reviewed , and all cases were confirmed by biopsy or operation and pathology .

  6. 方法:切开软组织,骨端切成新鲜创面。根据骨端形状切成‘Z’形或横形,前者用2枚皮质螺丝钉固定,后者利用外固定架固定。

    Methods : Cut the surrounding soft tissue down to the bone and the bone ends were remodeled and made into ' Z ' shape or transverse type according to its shape with the former fixed by two cortical screws and the latter immobilized by external fixation device .

  7. 关节骨端邻近骨质骨髓水肿7例。

    Periarticular bone marrow edema was found in 7 cases .

  8. 采用骨端钢板治疗股骨远端骨折58例报告

    Fractures of the Distal Part of the Femur Treated with Bone end plate

  9. 对截骨端进行骨段延长术,缺损端采用同步加压固定或Ⅰ期加压固定治疗。

    The defect end was synchronously fixed with pressure or stage I treatment .

  10. 不同术式治疗四肢长骨骨端骨巨细胞瘤的疗效分析

    Outcome Analysis of Different Surgical Treatments for Giant Cell Tumors of Long Bones

  11. 带骨干的人工关节置换术治疗骨端骨肿瘤

    Joint Prosthesis with Artificial Diaphysis for the Treatment of Tumors at the Bone End

  12. 骨端骨质吸收破坏11例;

    Osseous absorption and destruction on the distal end of the bones in 11 ;

  13. 大骨节病骨端病变的X线研究

    Study on the roentgenological lesion in distal phalangeal ends of children with Kashin-Beck disease

  14. 方法:截肢时对残肢骨端实施再造术,植入人工骨端。

    Method : The methods are remaking the stump and planting an artificial bone end .

  15. 目的:探讨下肢骨端的低度恶性肿瘤的治疗。

    Our studies evaluated the treatment of low grade malignant bone tumors of lower limbs .

  16. 对截骨端外侧有65N的挤压力;

    A squeezing force of 65 N was produced on the lateral side of the osteotomy fragment ;

  17. 由3位医生共同对关节间隙、关节骨端及关节对位情况等进行分析。

    The joint spaces , joint epiphyses , and joint appositions and so on were analysed by three doctors together .

  18. 骨端移位对接和骨延长治疗外伤性胫骨缺损

    Treatment of Traumatic Defect of the Tibia with Two Exposed Fractured Ends reduction and Lengthening at the Proximal of the Tibia

  19. 但是当结束后走出来,血液重新冲进你的骨端,你感到焕发新生。

    But then it 's done and you step out , and the blood rushes back to your extremities and you 're invigorated .

  20. 骨膜增殖细胞、骨端骨细胞以及原始骨痂成骨细胞表达TGF-β。

    Expression of TGF - β was from proliferative cells in periosteum , bone cells in fracture ends and osteoblasts in the primary callus .

  21. 四肢长骨病理性骨折的治疗大骨节病骨端病变的X线研究


  22. 目的探讨采用带骨干的人工关节置换术治疗骨端骨肿瘤的手术方法及效果。

    Objective To study the operation methods and efficacy of joint prosthesis with artificial diaphysis for the treatment of tumors at the end of bone .

  23. 目的:应用合适内固定系统,采用合理术式治疗四肢长骨骨端骨折以获得最佳关节功能。

    Objective : To study in operative treating with the limb extremities fractures with various internal fixer and proper operation to get the best articular function recovery .

  24. 方法:设计了以腓血管为供养支的比目鱼肌外侧部及小腿外侧皮肤的逆行岛状肌皮瓣,填充覆盖骨端及闭合缺损创面。

    Methods : A retrograde island musculocutaneous flap of lateral soleus and lateral leg skin pedicled with peroneal artery was designed to pad and cover the defect .

  25. 产前影像学诊断中,B超可发现胎儿四肢短小,长骨短粗,骨端膨大,羊水量增多等。

    It can be found short limbs , short and thick of long bone , enlargement of bone end and amniotic fluid volume increase through B ultrasound examination of fetal .

  26. 平均X线阳性率2.12%,其中骨端阳性率为0.68%、干骺端1.31%、骨骺0.12%、腕骨0.01%;

    The average positive rate of X-ray was 2.12 % and the rate was 0.68 % in capitulum , 1.31 % in metaphysic , 0.12 % in osteoepiphysis and 0.01 % in carpale , respectively .

  27. 肱动脉被肱骨近端前下缘尖利之骨端刺破1例;肱动脉节段性血栓栓塞1例;

    Among them 1 had segmental thrombo embolism , 3 had spasm , and 1 had stab wound of the brachial artery , the latter was caused by sharp bone spicule in the anterior inferior margin of humerus .

  28. 结果截骨端平均愈合时间9周,无一例发生错位及神经麻痹症状,远期疗效评价优良率为70%。

    Results The average union time of osteotomy ends was 9 weeks and no complications of malposition and nerve parlysis occurred . According to long-term curative effect evaluation , the excellent and good rate of 70 % was obtained .

  29. 作者认为,骨端钢板治疗股骨远端骨折,具有手术操作简便,内固定确实的优点,便于早期进行膝关节伸屈练习,疗效满意。

    The authors considered that the bone end plate is effective for the treatment of the distal femoral shaft fracture because of its advantages of a simple procedure with less operative trauma and strong fixation allowing relatively early mobilization .

  30. 经十年的现场和基础实验研究表明,其促进本病干骺端骨端病变修复和控制本病新发的效果显著。

    Based on the affected field survey and the experimental study for ten years , the comprehensive method got significantly preventive and therapeutic effects to promote the repair action in lesions of metaphysis and the distal end of childen 's fingers and to control the new cases on Kashin-Beck disease .