- needle juniper

Studies on chemical constituents and resources utilization of the volatile oils from Juniperus rigida
Microsporogenesis and Male Gametophyte Development of Juniperus rigida
Flee ! Run for your lives ; become like a bush in the desert .
During flying lessons , Forrest and Juniper learned to rise gracefully into the air .
The high , flat mountaintop is covered with many green juniper and pinon pine trees .
Also along the path are the juniper and pinon pine trees that make Mesa Verde green .
According to the UPGMA cluster analysis , the 6 populations could be divided into 4 groups .
This presents a lovely scene : a grassy plateau spotted with dark juniper bushes and scattered nomad tents .
Where they stopped , dense thickets of cedars and Ju nipers and birch crowded the roadway on both sides .
The result shows that hackmatack , koyama spruce , bird cherry , and elm have a better capability of detaining dust .
Essential oils of Juniper , Cedarwood , Grapefruit , Lavender , Carrot , Fennel , Rosemary and Lemon help soften the effects of a hangover .
Along the way , we would see pinion pines and junipers , which are very common in terrains with dry and hot summer as well as cold and wet winter .
Further , the researchers found that they could take pack rats from the Great Basin - the ones that eat juniper - and give them the ability to eat creosote .
The standards to be roses ; juniper ; holly ; berberries ( but here and there , because of the smell of their blossoms ) ; red currants ; gooseberries ; rosemary ; bays ; sweetbriar ;
For he shall be like the heath in the desert , and shall not see when good cometh ; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness , in a salt land and not inhabited .
One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow And have been cold a long time To behold the junipers shagged with ice The spruces rough in the distant glitter Of the January sun ;
Acer negundo , Salix matsudana , Juniperus rigida , Fraxinus mandshurica and Ulmus pumila are frontal 5 tree species with weight value 78.14 , 76.92 , 75.96 , 74.72 and 74.56 respectively , were used for urban protection forest ; Ulmus pumila , Salix matsudana , Populus alba × P.