
  • 网络David Dollar;David Dodwell
  1. 在经济衰退,资金和劳动力利用不充分时,加快基础设施方面的支出合情合理,目前供职于华盛顿布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的世界银行(worldbank)前中国局局长杜大伟(DavidDollar)说。

    It makes sense to accelerate infrastructure spending during a downturn , when capital and labor are underemployed , says David Dollar , the former country director in China for the World Bank and now at the Brookings Institution in Washington .

  2. 政府随后可能会允许一些违约及破产事件发生,它们最近就是这么做的,杜大伟说。

    The government can then allow some defaults and bankruptcies , which they have done recently , Mr. Dollar added .

  3. 杜大伟还表示,有关中国如何可以通过额外的经济援助帮助发展中国家的议题,世银已和中国政府展开探讨。

    Dollar also said the bank had opened talks with China about how it could contribute additional financing to help developing countries .

  4. 杜大伟局长写了一篇关于非洲向中国学习的很有意思的论著。

    And indeed , our Country Director here , David Dollar , has written an interesting paper on lessons for Africa from China .

  5. 杜大伟警告说,中国8亿农民也将成为全球经济衰退的受害者。他们最近的收入增长可能会付诸东流。

    Among the victims of the global slowdown will be China's800 million rural dwellers , who could see some recent gains erased , Dollar warned .

  6. 他引用一名被世界银行资助项目的进度激怒的印度官员的话说:杜大伟先生,我们的官僚主义再加上你们的官僚主义,简直要命。

    He quotes an Indian official , exasperated at the pace of World Bank-sponsored projects , as saying : Mr Dollar , the combination of our bureaucracy and your bureaucracy is deadly .

  7. 前世界银行驻华代表杜大伟表示称,由于中国是亚投行的最大股东,让金这样的中国人掌管亚投行理所当然。

    David Dollar , the former director for China and Mongolia at the World Bank , said that since China is the biggest stakeholder in the AIIB , it makes sense that a Chinese national such as Jin should serve as the first head of the bank .