
  1. 之后,她开始从更宽泛的角度思考花园:《牡丹亭》中杜丽娘梦想爱情的那个花园以及伊甸园(GardenofEden)。

    And she began thinking more broadly about gardens : the one where Du Liniang of " The Peony Pavilion " dreams of love , and the Garden of Eden .

  2. 反叛高歌三人奏&崔莺莺、杜丽娘、林黛玉形象分析

    The Rebel of Cui Ying-ying , Du Li-niang and Lin Dai-yu

  3. 而柳梦梅在旅途中偶然发现了杜丽娘的自画像。

    Meanwhile , Liu finds Du 's portrait while travelling .

  4. 一夜,杜丽娘的鬼魂显身于他。

    One night Du 's spirit appears to him .

  5. 杜丽娘为了救他,来到官府将详情和盘托出。

    In order to save her lover , Du comes to court and explains everything .

  6. 杜丽娘是晚明第一个生命辎重意识觉醒的东方女性。

    His works - " Sneering at the tiger " tells that it is tragical for people to live without impedimenta consciousness .

  7. 此时杜丽娘的父母已搬至别城居住,他们不相信听到的这些故事。

    Du 's parents , who have moved to another city , hear the story of what has happened but refuse to believe it .