
chǔ cí
  • The Songs of Chu
楚辞 [chǔ cí]
  • [Songs of Chu] 书名。西汉刘向辑。为骚体类文章的总集。收录有屈原、宋玉、王褒、贾谊、严忌等人的辞赋及刘向自己的作品《九叹》,共计十六篇。全书以屈原作品为主,其余各篇也都承袭屈赋的形式

楚辞[chǔ cí]
  1. 楚辞与周代乐语

    On the songs of Chu and the musical language of the Zhou Dynasty

  2. 《楚辞补注》对屈原形象的重新确立

    Understand and explain newly of Qu Yuan 's image in " The Songs of Chu adds supplemental notes "

  3. 试论楚辞与唐宋词的共同文学特征

    On the Common Literature Features of Chu Ballad and Tang-song Ci

  4. 《远游》是一篇存异颇多的楚辞作品。

    Yuan You is a controversial work of Chu Ci .

  5. 楚辞何时传进日本,没有明确记录。

    When had been Elegies of Chu transmit into Japan ?

  6. 宋玉的《九辩》实现了楚辞主题的转换。

    Songyu 's Jiubian realized the change of the subject of Chuci .

  7. 楚辞和词是两种特殊诗体。

    Chu ballad and Tang song Ci are two special poetic genre .

  8. 回顾与总结力之教授的《楚辞》研究是很有启示意义的。

    It is significant to review and summarize his study on Chuci .

  9. 《楚辞通论》是全面系统深入研究楚辞学的学术著作;

    General Survey of Chuci is an overall and systematic study of Chuci ;

  10. “楚辞”中对人居环境与建筑的描写宏富浪漫多彩。

    The description of inhabiting environment and architecture is very romantic and various .

  11. 楚辞文学类型的原始宗教背景

    The Original Religion Background for the Literary Type of the Songs of Chu

  12. 1995-2004年楚辞体文体特性研究论文述要

    Summary to the Artcles on Characteristic of Style in Songs of Chu 1995-2004

  13. 楚辞语法特点摭议

    Selected Discussion on Chu Elegies ' Grammatical Feature

  14. 钱钟书楚辞研究新思维简论

    A brief discussion on Qian Zhongshu 's new approach to the Songs of Chu

  15. 20世纪新楚辞学建立的过程考察

    A Reflection on the New Studies of Songs of Chu in the 20th Century

  16. 论《楚辞》中的九

    On " Nine " in Songs of Chu

  17. 《楚辞》是中国古代文学史上的一颗璀璨明珠。

    Chu Ci is a shining pearl in the history of ancient Chinese literature .

  18. 昆仑文化与楚辞

    The Kunlun Culture and the Chu Poetry

  19. 评楚辞研究中的图腾说

    Study of totemic theory in Chu Ci

  20. 正文分五章:第一章元代楚辞研究,共分三节。

    Body divided into five chapters : The first chapter is divided into three sections .

  21. 《楚辞》的五类副词

    Five Categories of Adverbs in Chu Ci

  22. 司马迁理所当然是中国楚辞学和中国赋学研究的开创者和奠基人。

    So we can conclude that Sima Qian is the inaugurator of Chinese Fu study .

  23. 《庄子》《楚辞》是战国中期两部重要文献。

    Both Zhuang Zi and Chu Ci are important documents of the Warring States Period .

  24. 希望能为《楚辞》学和训诂学的研究提供参考。

    We hope to provide the reference for Chuci study and exegesis of ancient texts .

  25. 第一章,明代《楚辞》评点概览。

    Chapter One is an overview of Chu Ci evaluations and annotations of the Ming dynasty .

  26. 楚辞是楚文化在诗歌创作上的一座丰碑,汉赋的创作很大程度上是对楚辞的继承和发展。

    The Songs of the South and Han Fu are monuments of poetry creation of Chu culture .

  27. 《诗经》《楚辞》共同开创了中国梦幻文学的创作传统,奠定了梦幻文学的坚实基础。

    The two works have co-established the tradition of and laid a solid foundation for Chinese Dream Literature .

  28. 通过对以楚辞为代表的优秀作品的分析,刘勰为文学创新活动树立了学习的典范。

    Through analyzing Chu ci and other good writings , Liu xie set up models for literary innovation .

  29. 在当代学术研究史上,潘啸龙的楚辞研究是引人注目的。

    In the history of contemporary academic research , Pan Xiaolong 's study of Chu Poetry is striking .

  30. 《九歌》是《楚辞》中一组比较特殊的诗歌,它是中国文人文化和民间宗教祭祀文化的伟大结合。

    The Nine Songs is revised by great poet QuYuan , and it contains the reviser 's deep emotions ;