
  • Woman flower;【电影】Nuren hua
  1. 我一直在想那个女人花多少的时间去相信那些证词。

    I 'm wondering how long that woman was doing her affirmations ...

  2. 研究发现,男人和女人花的钱一般多,只不过花的地方不同。

    Studies show that men and women spend the same , they just spend differently .

  3. 永不凋谢的女人花&影视广告中的女性与花意象

    The green never fades : The relationship between female and floral image in the TVC

  4. 除了女人花更多时间和孩子们在一起这一原因外,下列哪项是正确的?

    Which of the following is true besides the reason that women spend more time with children ?

  5. 男人花2元钱去买他想要的1元货,女人花1元钱去买她不想要的2元货。

    A woman will pay $ 1 for a $ 2 item that she doesn 't want .

  6. 有一首好听的歌曲《女人花》,女人如花,是我今天说的主题。

    There is a beautiful song " woman flowers ," the woman such as flower , I said today 's theme .

  7. 很多女人花大量时间看那些宣扬完美形象的东西,而她们永远也不会达到那个水准。

    There are a lot of women who spend hours watching things that promote ideals that they will never come close to measuring up to .

  8. 回到家里,心里还在想着梅艳芳的《女人花》,忽然想写下来几许的感慨。

    Back home , was also thinking of Mui 's " Women of Flowers ", all of a sudden want to write down the feelings of many .

  9. 男人花2块钱买想要的东西,即使它只值1块钱。女人花1块钱买2块钱的东西,即使她根本不想要。

    A man will pay $ 2 for a $ 1 item he wants . A woman will pay1 $ for a $ 2 item that she doesn 't want .

  10. 但是,女人们花在家务琐事上的时间几乎是男人的两倍。

    But women spend nearly double the amount of time on domestic chores than men .

  11. 不成熟的女人会花父母的钱;

    Immature woman will spend their parents'money ;

  12. 女人愿意花1元钱买价值2元但是她不想要的东西。

    A woman will pay $ 1 for a $ 2 item that she doesn 't need .

  13. 女人是花,花有开放展现美丽的时候,也有凋谢的时候。

    The woman is a flower , flower show is open , also have the beauty faded .

  14. 可怜的女人觉得花上十一法郎求一个清静,高兴得很。

    The poor woman was only too happy to buy peace at the cost of eleven francs .

  15. 挺漂亮的。你怎么知道我喜欢玫瑰?(女人收到花后常问的问题。)

    I didn 't , but I 've never heard of a woman who didn 't , so I took a chance .

  16. 全文通过花卉对于女性传统的喻意,开始阐述女人和花之间千丝万缕的联系。

    Full text through the flowers for the women of the traditional metaphor , to formulate woman and flower of the ties between .

  17. 他说如果一个女人送他花,他就感到太荣幸了。

    He said he would be charmed if a woman gave him flowers .

  18. 女人非常喜欢花。

    The woman loved flowers .

  19. 事实上,女人平均每年花471美元在个人护理上,而男人只有193美元。

    Women spend an average of $ 471 per year on personal care , while men spend about $ 193 .

  20. 一个英国女人一生中花在洗发、做发型、剪发、染发、烫发以及拉直头发上的时间将近两年之多。

    She will spend the equivalent of just under two YEARS of her life washing , styling , cutting , coloring , crimping and straightening her locks .

  21. 虽然美国女人不大可能花30分钟时间往脸上抹五种面霜,但她们愿意尝试新产品。

    Even if American women aren 't likely to massage five different creams into their faces for 30 minutes , they are willing to try new products .

  22. 这项研究还显示,女人平均会花上四个小时整理夏日出游的行李,受访者中还有近十分之一承认要用12个小时以上的时间来决定带什么。

    The research also reveals that women spend an average of four hours packing their holiday wardrobe while one in10 of those surveyed admit to deliberating over what to take for12 hours or more .

  23. 让女人放下脚步花些时间来真正享受点什么非常困难,但如果她完全忽视能激起自己激情的部分,那么生活也就顿时索然无味了。

    Its hard for a woman to slow down and take time to do the things that truly bring her joy , but when she neglects the part of herself that ignites her , then she is living a passionless existence .

  24. 根据一项新的研究发现,比起观察男人,女人更喜欢花更多时间观察别的女人,热衷于看对手穿什么,她们有多少脂肪,她们的发型如何以及她们多瘦。

    Women spend more time checking out other women than they do checking out men , keen to see what ' the opposition ' is wearing , how much cellulite they have , what their hair looks like and how thin they are , according to a new study .

  25. 她们花61%的时间来看图片中的女人,而只花39%的时间看男人。

    They spent 61 percent of their time looking at the women in the pictures , and only 39 percent on the men .

  26. 女人通常将钱花在大多数的日常家庭消费中,比如杂货、账单和家人的衣物;男人则将钱花在诸如等离子电视机、汽车或电脑等大件物品上。

    Women usually take care of most of the family 's daily expenses : the groceries , the bills , clothes for the family – while men spend on large purchases like plasma TVs , cars or computers .

  27. 女人是山,端庄秀丽。好女人是水,柔情纯净。好女人是书,充满智慧。好女人是港,安全可靠。好女人是花,芳香美丽。

    A good woman is dignified and handsome like mountain , pure and soft like water , full of intelligence like a book , safe and dependable like a harbour , beautiful and fragrant like a flower .

  28. 女人用购物解压、购物发泄都早已不是秘密了,但是根据最新一份调查显示女人在一生中的购物时间,不仅令人错愕,因为数字说女人一生中要花8个月来“血拼”。

    Their love of shopping is no secret - especially at this time of year . But according to a new survey women spend eight months of their lifetime bargain-hunting .