
nǚ shì
  • Ms.;lady;madam;miss
女士 [nǚ shì]
  • [lady;madam;miss;Ms.] 对妇女的尊称

女士[nǚ shì]
  1. 听着,女士,别对我大喊大叫的。

    Listen , lady , don 't shout at me .

  2. 那位戴帽子的丰满女士是谁?

    Who 's the rather large lady in the hat ?

  3. 他们专为体形较丰满的女士做衣服。

    They specialize in clothes for women with a fuller figure .

  4. 有位女士等着要见你。

    There 's a lady waiting to see you .

  5. 格林女士请我代表她出席会议。

    Ms Green has asked me to deputize for her at the meeting .

  6. 她是个能吃苦耐劳的女士。

    She 's a tough lady .

  7. 在今年的大会上将首次由一位女士当主要发言人。

    For the first time , a woman will be the keynoter at the convention this year .

  8. “这不是他的最佳表现。”她对坐在她旁边的女士议论道。

    ‘ Not his best performance , ’ she commented to the woman sitting next to her .

  9. 所有雇员相互称呼时都须在名字后添加敬语san(日语表示“先生”,“女士”)。

    All employees will refer to each other by the honorific suffix ' san ' .

  10. 每个人都说她是个可爱的女士。

    Everyone has remarked on what a lovely lady she is .

  11. 泰森女士也因为这么做而受到了指责。

    Ms Tyson also had her knuckles rapped for doing this .

  12. 这个女士穿着长筒尼龙缝袜,不停地把裙子弄平整。

    This woman wore seamed nylons and kept smoothing her skirt .

  13. 法庭可能会发传票,对罗宾斯女士处以罚款。

    The court could issue a citation and fine Ms. Robbins .

  14. 这位女士对发生在自己宠物身上的事感到非常惊讶。

    This lady was genuinely surprised at what happened to her pet

  15. 你在等一位女士——我也这么想的。

    You 're waiting for a woman — I thought as much .

  16. 诺娃女士拥有一副美妙动听的好嗓音,对此她深以为豪。

    Ms Nova is the proud possessor of a truly incredible voice .

  17. 他的每一句话都令那些女士为之尖叫,为之痴狂。

    The ladies shriek and swoon at his every word .

  18. 那位女士捅了捅邻座,急切地在他耳边低语。

    The woman prodded her neighbour and whispered urgently in his ear .

  19. 这位女士恳求她的女儿回家。

    The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home

  20. 那位女士一脸毫不掩饰的憎恨让我震惊。

    The naked hatred in the woman 's face shocked me

  21. 越来越多的女士用男士香水。

    More and more women are wearing men 's fragrances .

  22. 谢纳托罗娃女士对市场经济学有一种天生的敏感。

    Ms Senatorova showed an instinctive feel for market economics .

  23. 在飞机上,一位讨人喜欢的德国女士对我就像朋友一样。

    On the aeroplane I was befriended by a delightful German woman .

  24. 约翰,挪一挪,让这位女士坐下。

    Move up , John , and let the lady sit down .

  25. 他的工作是在曼哈顿的夜总会陪没有舞伴的女士跳舞。

    He worked as a dancing partner for unescorted ladies at Manhattan cabarets

  26. 离这位女士远点,你这醉鬼。

    Leave the lady alone , you drunken oaf .

  27. 那位女士否认疏于照管自己的孩子。

    The woman denied that she had neglected her child

  28. 他的秘书是位戴着夹鼻眼镜的高个女士。

    His secretary was a tall woman in pince-nez .

  29. 女士,你实在是太过分了。

    You 're way out of line , lady .

  30. 尊敬的女士,感谢您对我们的纪念方案的关注。

    Dear Madam , Thank you for your interest in our Memorial Scheme .