
  • 网络hirsutism
  1. 女性多毛症表现为面部、胸部和腹部长毛。

    Women with hirsutism grow hair on their faces , breasts and stomachs .

  2. 女性多毛症源于女性体内的雄性激素水平过高。

    The hair grows because they have abnormally high levels of the'masculinising'androgen hormones .

  3. 虽然一些疗法在阻止脱毛症上有效果,但FDA对其应用于女性脱发或多毛症的治疗尚未认可。

    Although a number of treatments are effective in arresting androgenic alopecia , they are not FDA approved for use in women with alopecia , nor in hirsutism .

  4. 代谢方面的异常包括高甘油三酯血症、低高密度脂蛋白(HDL)、糖代谢异常、黑棘皮症,女性患者存在多毛症、多囊卵巢综合症(PCOS)、月经紊乱。

    Metabolic manifestations of FPLD include hypertriglyceridemia , depressed HDL cholesterol , dysglycemia , acanthosis nigricans , and , among women , hirsutism , polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ), and menstrual irregularities .