
  • 网络Excessive hair;HYPERTRICHOSIS
  1. 弗吉尼亚州弗雷德里克斯堡的琳赛・马洛尼(LindseyMaloney)便是成功例子之一。由于面部毛发过多,她在上五年级的时候便开始动手脱毛;而因为胰岛素抵抗,她又总是因为体重问题而烦恼。

    One of those success stories was Lindsey Maloney , from Fredericksburg , Va. She had so much facial hair she started waxing it off in the fifth grade and always struggled with her weight because of insulin resistance .

  2. 那么,是什么原因导致我们毛发过多呢?

    But what causes it ?

  3. 有时候,人种或者家族遗传就是导致毛发过多的罪魁祸首,而不是什么疾病。

    Sometimes race or just a family tendency to be more hairy is to blame , rather than any medical problem .

  4. 在网上对2000多名女性进行的问卷表明,就身体不满度而言,毛发过多是仅次于肥胖之外的第二大问题。

    In the online survey of more than 2,000 women , excess hair was rated just behind weight gain for body dissatisfaction .

  5. 据统计,10个人中就有1个人承受着面部和身体毛发过多的困扰。那么,是什么原因导致我们毛发过多呢?

    It 's estimated that one in ten of us suffers from excess facial and body hair . But what causes it ?

  6. 但也有其他的原因导致毛发过多。食用大量的糖类食物、精制的碳水化合物,比如饼干、蛋糕,就会诱发毛发增多的问题。

    But there are other factors that could be to blame . Eating large amounts of sugary , refined carbohydrates , such as biscuits and cakes , may trigger excess hair .

  7. 调查发现体重增长位列分手排行榜榜首,其它会惹怒你的爱人的种种因素还包括:毛发过多(占34%)、皮肤糟糕(占18%)和口臭(占11%)。

    Obesity topped the list of top seasonal turn-offs , with excess hair ( 34 % ), bad skin ( 18 % ) and bad breath ( 11 % ) also named as sources of domestic strife .