
  1. 21世纪世界桥梁工程的展望

    Prospect of world 's bridge projects in 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  2. 世界桥梁发展中的主要技术创新

    Major Technical Innovations in World 's Bridge Development

  3. 木拱廊桥在世界桥梁史上占有重要地位。

    Timber Arch Lounge Bridge occupies an important place in the world 's bridge history .

  4. 斜拉桥的出现为世界桥梁的发展注入了新的活力。

    New energy is brought into the development of bridge , because of the coming forth of cable-stayed bridge .

  5. 而中国桥梁在对世纪最后20年所取得的进步更令世界桥梁界惊叹不已。

    The progress in bridge construction in China during the last two decades has surprised tremendously the world 's bridge circle .

  6. 当时不仅造桥数量多,而且速度之快,工程规模之大,技术之先进,在我国乃至世界桥梁史上都是空前的。

    At that time , built bridges in quantity , high speed , large scale and advanced technique were unprecedentedly in bridge history of our nation and the world .

  7. 从二十世纪三十年代开始,预应力技术已广泛地应用于桥梁结构工程之中,世界桥梁中有70%以上都采用了预应力混凝土结构。

    Since the 1930s , prestressing technology has been widely used in bridge engineering and more than 70 percent of bridges are of the prestressed concrete structures at present .

  8. 可以预料:北欧、日本和中国将是21世纪上半叶世界桥梁工程建设的热点。

    It can be expected that , Northern Europe , Japan and China will be the hot places in world 's bridge engineering construction in the first half of 21st century .

  9. 钢&混凝土复合结构桥梁作为不同于钢桥和混凝土桥的第三类桥梁正受到世界桥梁界的重视。

    The steel-concrete hybrid bridge , which is the third kind of bridge different from the steel bridge and the concrete bridge , is being attached importance by the world bridge engineering circles .

  10. 福建泉州万安桥是中国最早的大型石梁桥,在中国乃至世界桥梁史上占有重要的地位。

    The Wanan bridge in Quanzhou of Fujian province , china 's earliest stone beam bridge built on a large scale , occupies an important place in the history of bridges of China and even of the world .

  11. 预应力混凝土桥梁的分段施工技术已成为当今世界桥梁工程的主要发展趋势,香港红勘快速路与公主路连接线及香港西部铁路桥梁架设工程采用了这项技术。

    The technique of the captioned construction method for segmental concrete bridges is the main tendence of the world . Hung Hom Bypass , Princess Margaret Road Link and Hong Kong Western Railway Project are both involved the captioned construction method .

  12. 在过去的二十世纪,世界桥梁工程经历了前所未有的高速发展,进入二十一世纪,桥梁工程又跨入了跨海连岛工程的新时期。

    In the past of the twentieth century , the bridge engineering of world has experienced a high-speed development . With the 21st century coming , the bridge engineering will get into a new period of crossing ocean and connecting islands .

  13. 商标是企业形象战略CI(CorporateIdentity)的主要组成部分,是企业走向世界的桥梁。

    The brand names are the main part of the corporate identity and serve as a bridge for the enterprise to enter into the world .

  14. 新型协议及设备架起连通以太网与SONET世界的桥梁

    New Protocols and Devices Bridge Ethernet and SONET Worlds

  15. 山西之窗&连通山西与世界的桥梁

    Window of Shanxi ── A Bridge between Shanxi and the World

  16. 对象关系映射是这两个世界的桥梁。

    An object-relational mapping is a bridge between the two worlds .

  17. 国际友城,通向世界的桥梁&记2005四川国际友城合作与发展周

    International Friendship City , A Bridge to the World

  18. 这棵树是两个世界的桥梁。

    This tree is a gateway between two worlds .

  19. 质量认证&国产摩托车走向世界的桥梁

    Quality Approval-A Bridge for Home-made Motorcycles toward the World

  20. 互联网络信息高速公路&分析测试实验室通向世界的桥梁

    Internet , Information Super Highway & A Bridge Connecting Analytical Laboratory to the World

  21. 中国走向世界的桥梁世界了解中国的窗口&《世界经济与中国》简介

    An Introduction to : World Economy & China

  22. 英语是通向世界的桥梁。

    English is a bridge to the world .

  23. 山东科技职业学院国际交流与合作办学&架起通向世界的桥梁

    Shandong Vocational College of Science & Technology

  24. 交往:架起德育回归生活世界的桥梁

    Communication : A Bridge Through Which Moral Education Can Come Back to Real Life World

  25. 情境作为生活的缩影,可以成为连接学校教育与生活世界的桥梁。

    As the epitome of living , situation is the bridge which connects life with education .

  26. 架起一座走向世界的桥梁&平遥国际摄影节活动综述

    Erecting a bridge to the world

  27. 语言是引领读者进入作品艺术世界的桥梁,品味作品中优美的语言也是一种艺术享受。

    Languages are the bridges that lead readers to enter the artistic world of literary works .

  28. 高等职业技术院校实施双证制工作的探讨山东科技职业学院国际交流与合作办学&架起通向世界的桥梁

    Exploration of Double-Certificates System in Advanced - Vocational Technology College Shandong Vocational College of Science & Technology

  29. 架起两个世界的桥梁

    A Bridge between Two Worlds

  30. 哲学家研究意义,目的是以此架构语言通往客观世界的桥梁;

    The motive of Philosophers who study meaning problem is to infer the objective world from language ;