
  • 网络World Resource Institute;WRI;EMBARQ
  1. 世界资源研究所(WorldResourcesInstitute)气候与能源项目的负责人珍妮弗·摩根(JenniferMorgan)说,关于这个问题,你必须先在国内采取一些行动,才能让国际上的合作伙伴信服。

    You have to act domestically to have any credibility with international partners on this issue , said Jennifer Morgan , director of the climate and energy program at the World Resources Institute .

  2. 世界资源研究所(WRI)本周一在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的京都议定书第11次缔约方大会上介绍了他们编纂的这份题为《在温室中增长》(GrowingintheGreenhouse)的报告。

    Growing in the Greenhouse was prepared by the World Resources Institute ( WRI ), and presented on Monday at the11th Conference of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in Montreal , Canada .

  3. “退化是另一个问题。”美国华盛顿特区的世界资源研究所的森林景观目标项目经理FredStolle说。

    " Degradation is another story ," says Fred Stolle , programme manager of the Forest Landscape Objective , at the US-based World Resources Institute , in Washington DC .

  4. 在那里到处都发生着皆伐。现在不是原始社会了。2014年,据世界资源研究所报道,加拿大在过去十年中的

    In 2014 , the World Resources Institute reported that Canada in the past decade

  5. 据世界资源研究所称,从1965年到1990年,全球农产品和工业原材料的进口价值从550亿美元上升至4800亿美元。

    From 1965 to 1990 , says the World Resources Institute , global imports of agricultural products and industrial raw materials went from $ 55 billion to $ 480 billion .

  6. 总部位于美国的世界资源研究所和四个荷兰研究小组估计,通常全球每年有2100万人饱受洪水之灾。

    The U.S. - based World Resources Institute think-tank and four Dutch research groups estimated that some 21 million people worldwide were affected by river flooding in a typical year .

  7. 但是世界资源研究所相信,诸如能源安全、为所有人提供电力和改进城市交通运输这样的发展目标,可以与创造一个更清洁的大气这一目标并行不悖。

    But the WRI believes that development targets such as energy security , providing electricity to entire populations , and improving urban transportation can go hand-in-hand with a cleaner atmosphere .

  8. 根据世界资源研究所和亚斯平研究所的报告,在所调查的期间里,只有4%的授课教师在顶级学术刊物上发表了相关的研究。

    According to the World Resources Institute and the Aspen Institute report , only 4 per cent of faculty published research on related issues in top , peer-reviewed journals during the survey period .

  9. 现担任中国科协副主席、全国人大环境与资源保护委员会副主任,世界工程组织联合会副主席,世界资源研究所顾问委员会委员等职。

    She is now a vice-president of China Association for Science and Technology , cochairman of World Federation of Engineering Organizations , and one of the advisors of World Resources Institute .