
hóu lèi
  • monkeys
  1. 研究小组在猴类体内发现一段可能是“垃圾DNA”的片段,插入了IRGM基因的开始部分。

    In monkeys , the team discovered a piece of what could be " junk DNA " wedged in at the start of the gene .

  2. 但人类、猿类和猴类有着共同的祖先,所以在进化的过程中,IRGM基因一定在哪里复活了。

    But humans , apes , and monkeys share a common ancestor , so IRGM must have been resurrected somewhere along the line .

  3. 食蟹猴等猴类微卫星DNA及性别决定基因的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Microsatellite DNA and SRY Gene of Macaca Such as Macaca Fascicularis and Rhesus

  4. 金丝猴牙齿与体重间的关系位于猴类和人猿类之间,更接近于大猩猩(Gorilla)、疣猴(Colobus)和猕猴。

    In Rhinopithecus the relationship between the dentition and body size is closer to Gorilla , Colobus , and Macaco , then to Pan and Homo .

  5. 如同猴类一般它们被隔离在了高远的山林之中

    Like the monkeys , they were isolated in these high forests

  6. 狨:狨是南美洲的一种体型轻巧的猴类。

    Marmoset : Marmosets are tiny South American monkeys .

  7. 一种模拟猴类动作举止的拳术。

    An analog behavior of boxing action monkeys .

  8. 大多数猴类无法在这种地方生存。

    Most monkeys couldn 't live up here .

  9. 数十年来科学家们一直在探寻通过减少饮食延长寿命的生物学奥秘。大量研究证实从蜘蛛到猴类等多个物种维持较低水平的卡路里饮食可显著减慢衰老过程,改善老年健康状况。

    It has been well documented in species ranging from spiders to monkeys that a diet with consistently fewer calories can dramatically slow the process of aging and improve health in old age .