
  • 网络overlapping generations;generation overlapping;Generation overlap
  1. 橄榄星室木虱在莆田地区一年发生8代,世代重叠,以成虫越冬。

    This psylla had 8 generations per year , with generation overlapping and adults overwintering in Putian .

  2. 苹果绵蚜在昭通市1年最高发生15~16代,最低发生10代,世代重叠。

    According to observation in Zhaotong city , Woolly apple aphid has 15 or 16 generations in maximum and 10 generations in minimum a year , with generation overlapping .

  3. 本文运用内生增长模型与世代重叠模型的结合分析,试图从理论上来探讨在考虑人们遗产动机的情况下,公共养老保险制度对于经济增长率和社会福利(socialwelfare)所产生的效应。

    By an endogenous growth model and overlapping generations model , this paper analyzes the effects of public pension scheme on economic growth and social welfare .

  4. 在世代重叠群体内随着2岁公畜遗传贡献的增大,优化选择相对于常规BLUP选择的优势越明显。

    Optimal QTL selection relative to conventional BLUP selection is also more favorable following increase of genetic contribution of two-year-old boars and sows in a population with overlapping generations .

  5. 用一个世代重叠的实际育种猪群的参数来评价该方法的选择效果,并和标准QTL选择和常规BLUP选择进行比较。

    The practical utility of this method was illustrated in an example of pig breeding population with overlapping generations . The selection response of this method was com-pared with standard QTL selection and conventional best linear unbiased prediction ( BLUP ) selection .

  6. 根结线虫在南宁一年内发生9代,完成一代大约需要30~54d,有明显的世代重叠现象。

    The banana root-knot nematode completed nine generations in a year in Nanning . The duration of each generation was about 30-54 days and generations overlapping occurred obviously .

  7. 在烤烟生育期间,可完成5~6代,世代重叠,完成1代需要18~34d,其中卵期2~5d,幼虫期7~14d,蛹期8~14d。

    There were 5-6 completed generations during the growth of flue-cured tobacco , the generations were overlapped , one generation spanned 18-34 days , including 2-5 days of egg stage , 7-14 days of larva stage and 8-14 days of pupa stage .

  8. 该虫一年发生4代,世代重叠;

    It has four generations a year and are overlapping .

  9. 大于90%的条件下,此螨一年发生19&2l代,世代重叠,无蛰伏越冬和越夏现象。

    , 19 - 21 generations were observed a year .

  10. 在重庆年发生3~5代,世代重叠。

    The predator has 3 ~ 5 over - lapping generations annually .

  11. 发生规律及危害情况的调查研究结果表明,在昆明大棚花卉作物上,甜菜夜蛾可周年发生危害,有明显的世代重叠现象。

    The damage of the beet armyworm in greenhouse occurred in whole year .

  12. 菸潜叶蛾在昆明一年发生4&5代,世代重叠;

    In Kunming , the tobacco leaf miner has four or five overlapping generations .

  13. 该虫在合肥地区1年发生4代,有世代重叠现象。

    H. rhodope occurs 4 generations a year in Hefei area with overlapped generations .

  14. 在重庆地区,南亚果实蝇1年发生3-5代,世代重叠明显。

    Tau had 3-5 generations a year and the generations overlapped in Chongqing district .

  15. 在上海地区一年发生5~6代,世代重叠。

    It has 5 or 6 generations a year in Shanghai and the generations overlap .

  16. 科举出仕有世代重叠。

    The two generations overlap .

  17. 世代重叠。

    The generations overlap .

  18. 1年发生5代,世代重叠。

    It can complete its propagation of 5 generations in a year and with a wide overlap of generations .

  19. 福建沙县一年4-5代,世代重叠。以成虫越冬。

    The predator occurs 4-5 generations annually , overlaps between generations and overwinters with the adult in Shaxian County of Fujian province .

  20. 生活史:3年内可连续发生6代及21对姊妹代,世代重叠。

    Life history : In the laboratory , the adult breeds no more than 6 generations and 21 couples of sister generations in three years .

  21. 各代幼蚧发生高峰期,第1代在4月中下旬;第2代7月上中旬,并开始世代重叠;

    The period of larva population peak of each generation occurs separately in the early and middle of April , July , September and the last of October .

  22. 该虫在海南岛一年发生1314代,世代重叠,全年发生,以47月为害最烈。

    It has 13 to 14 overlapping generations per year in Hainan Island . Thus the trees were attacked all the year round , with the most serious damage from April to July .

  23. 摘要橄榄黄小卷叶蛾在福建福州地区年发生6代,世代重叠,以老熟幼虫在树皮裂缝和枯枝落叶中结茧化蛹越冬。

    Adoxphyes orana occurred for6 generations annually in fuzhou , fujian , it occurred by generations , the old and adult larvae overwintered by producing cocoon and turning into pupa in the bark crack and litter .

  24. 本文给出了在上述假设下并满足:(1)世代重叠,选择、突变、迁移、生死等效应的作用均在世代遗传之间完成;

    This paper gives a mathematical model employed in population genetics of the population which satisfies both above and following assumptions : 1 . Overlapping generations ; selection , mutation and migration will be occurred between two genetic generations .

  25. 一种扩展的动态选择规则能够在公母畜间有不同的年龄组数目的世代重叠群体内约束年近交速率为一个预定义值,逐年最大化遗传反应。

    A dynamic selection rule was developed that maximizes the annual genetic response while constraining the rate of inbreeding per year to a predefined value in a population with overlapping generations and different number of age class between sire and dam .

  26. 甜菜白带螟1年发生4代,且世代重叠,成虫生活期约5~10天,卵期2~10天,幼虫有4龄,历期9~16天,蛹期7~20天;

    The life-span of adults is about 5-10 days in field conditions . The egg stage lasts for about 2-10 days , and the larva has four instars which take 9-16 days in total . The pupa stage lasts for 7-20 days .

  27. 第1代幼虫于3月下旬开始发生,除越冬代外各代幼虫发生盛期分别为4月上旬、5月上旬、6月中旬和8月上旬,有明显的世代重叠现象。

    The first generation of larvae occurs in late March . Except for the overwintering generation , the hatching peaks of the larvae of different generations are first ten days of April and May , mid June and first ten days of August .

  28. 该规则考虑在世代重叠群体中按性别-年龄分组,通过限制父母亲群体性别-年龄组的平均加性遗传相关的增加,从而限制新生后代平均近交系数的增加。

    This rule accounts for the animals in population with overlapping population should be divided into sex-age classes , and limits the increase of mean relationship of individuals in parent population , so , the mean rate of inbreeding of new progenies is controlled .

  29. 采用MonteCarlo方法模拟研究了性别比例和性状遗传力对闭锁群体动物模型BLUP选择效果的影响,选育过程中世代不重叠,共进行了15个世代的选择。

    Monte Carlo simulation method was used to study the effects of sex ratio and trait heritability on animal model BLUP selection in a closed population . The generations were not overlapped and the selection had been carried for 15 generations .

  30. 在生态学研究中,对于生命周期短、世代不重叠或者虽然生命周期长、世代重叠,但在数量上较少的种群,研究离散模型比连续模型更具有实际意义。

    In the study of ecology , discrete model is more significant in practice than differential model as for these species which are short in life and non-overlapping in generations or long in life and overlapping in generations but fewer in quantity .