
  • 网络crab spider;Thomisidae
  1. 蟹蛛科新种新纪录种分类高黎贡山中国。

    Thomisidae new species new record taxonomy Gaoligong Mountains China .

  2. 海南3种蟹蛛记述

    On three species of crab spiders from hainan , china

  3. 鸟粪蛛和蟹蛛也很善于靠体色和纹理伪装。

    Bird-dropping spiders and crab spiders are also well camouflaged by colour and texture .

  4. 经对山西农业大学果园蜘蛛群落进行调查,初步鉴定整理出该果园蜘蛛隶属12科23属30种,群落的优势种类为狼蛛科、蟹蛛科、平腹蛛科和皿蛛科。

    The soil spider community and its diversity in orchard were studied in the Shanxi Agricultural University . 578 spiders were collected which belong to 30 species , 23 genera and 12 families . And the dominant spider community were , Fam .