
xiè zhuǎ lán
  • crab cactus
  1. 7月下旬进行的蟹爪兰短日照促成栽培,短日照处理时间以40d为好。

    Short sunshine forcing culture was better about 40 days when it began by the end of July .

  2. 结果表明,每1g蟹爪兰干花粉用150mL的50%乙醇溶液,在20℃恒温浸提1.5h,提取效率较好.该法红色素提取粗产率为9.7%。

    The results of the experiment showed that the extracting condition of good yields of pigment could be obtained by 50 % C_2H_5OH solution at 20 ℃ for 1.5 h with the solid-liquid ratio 1 g ∶ 150 mL and the productivity is 9.7 % .

  3. 其他流行的圣诞装饰植物还包括冬青树、懈寄生(拜痞子蔡所赐相信大家都知道了那个著名的关于亲吻的故事)、红色宫人草和蟹爪兰。它们和圣诞树、花环、绿叶一起用以装饰房间。

    Other popular holiday plantsinclude holly , mistletoe , red amaryllis , and Christmas cactus .