
xiè zhuàng xīng yún
  • Crab Nebula
蟹状星云[xiè zhuàng xīng yún]
  1. 这个物体,这蟹状星云的脉冲星,辐射出丰富的x射线,以及伽马射线。

    And this object , this pulsar in the Crab Nebula is radiating copious amounts of x-rays , of gamma rays .

  2. 在过去十年间,钱德拉X射线天文台经常协同其他天文望远镜对“蟹状星云”进行联合观测。

    In the past decade , the Chandra X-ray Observatory , often in conjunction with other astronomical telescopes on the " Crab Nebula " in joint observation .

  3. 空间硬X射线望远镜HAPI-1及其对蟹状星云脉冲星的观测

    A Hard X-Ray Telescope HAPI-1 and Its Observation for Crab Pulsar

  4. 蟹状星云脉冲星的TeVγ射线周期发射

    Pulsed Emission of Very High Energy Gamma-Rays From Crab Pulsar

  5. 本文介绍HAPI-1的构成和主要性能,以及1984年5月利用该望远镜在我国高空科学气球上对蟹状星云脉冲星的观测结果。

    All sub-systems of the telescope are described . The Crab pulsar was observed by HAPI-1 in a balloon flight on May 23 1984 in the energy range 20 to 200 keV and the observation result is presented .

  6. 有一个物体叫做,蟹状星云脉冲星。

    There is an object which we call the Crab Pulsar .

  7. 我会去的蟹状星云,以及支持你。

    I 'd go to the Crab Nebula and back for you .

  8. 这是蟹状星云脉冲星的数据。

    And so here you have the data on the Crab Pulsar .

  9. 我们已证明蟹状星云就是这次爆炸的遗迹。

    We have identified the Crab Nebula as the debris of this explosion .

  10. 这次爆炸的产物就是现在的蟹状星云。

    The remnants today are seen as Crab Nebula .

  11. 这是蟹状星云。

    And here you see the Crab Nebula .

  12. 蟹状星云中γ射线的辐射机制

    Gamma-ray emission mechanism in the Crab Nebula

  13. 蟹状星云脉冲星变慢。

    The Crab Pulsar is slowing down .

  14. 蟹状星云脉冲星的,质量和太阳不差太多。

    The mass of the Crab Pulsar is not too different from that of the sun .

  15. 一张频闪观测仪的图,对蟹状星云的中心,进行频闪观测曝光。

    A stroboscopic picture , a stroboscopic exposure was made of the center portion of the Crab Nebula .

  16. 鬼魅的蓝色内部光线是由被蟹状星云中心脉冲星加速了的高能量电子发出的。

    The spooky blue interior glow is emitted by high-energy electrons accelerated by the Crab 's central pulsar .

  17. 这个绚丽的蓝色是金牛座星系中蟹状星云的脉冲风星云。

    In brilliant blue , this is the pulsar wind nebula of the Crab Nebula in the constellation of Taurus .

  18. 指出在蟹状星云介质中磁偶极辐射的穿透似乎是可能的。

    It is shown that penetration of magnetic-dipole radiation in the medium of the crab nebula seems to be possible .

  19. 蟹状星云是最为人所知的脉冲波霎星云,目前已有950岁了。

    The Crab pulsar , the best-known example of a bright pulsar wind nebula , is about 950 years old .

  20. 给你们看蟹状星云,我也要给你们看电磁,实验室里的漂亮飞轮。

    I want to show you the Crab Nebula , and I think I will also show you the beautiful flywheels in the Magnet Lab.

  21. 我昨天打电话问我,射电天文学的朋友,中子星在蟹状星云的,旋转周期是多少

    I called my radio astronomy friends yesterday and I asked them ," What is the rotation period of the neutron star in the Crab Nebula ?"

  22. 运用这一技术对蟹状星云中的NP0532脉冲星可能存在的60.4赫芝引力辐射进行了观测。

    Such a technique is applied to observe the 60.4 Hz gravitational radiation which is possibly emitted from the pulsar NP 0532 of the Crab Nebula .

  23. 钱德拉最近做了个,蟹状星云的图,中子星的图,我现在给你们看。

    And Chandra made a picture very recently of the Crab Nebula , of the pulsar , and that 's what I want to show you now .

  24. 实际上,现在我们知道蟹状星云是超新星爆发的遗迹,即一个巨大恒星死亡后爆炸的残屑云。

    In fact , the cosmic Crab is now known to be a supernova remnant , an expanding cloud of debris from the death explosion of a massive star .

  25. 一直以来,“蟹状星云”都是被人类研究最多的太空目标之一,它已经被科学家们看作是宇宙的形象代表。

    All along , the " Crab Nebula " are by humans , one of the most studied targets in space , it has been scientists as a representative image of the universe .

  26. 也就是说,大多数的天文学家假设,磁场是变成超新星之前的星体所遗留下来的。我们已证明蟹状星云就是这次爆炸的遗迹。

    That is , most astronomers supposed that the magnetic field is a relic of the time before the star went supernova . We have identified the Crab Nebula as the debris of this explosion .

  27. 这张电脑合成的图像呈现的是暴露在伽玛射线下的蟹状星云脉冲星(中心右下方位置)和脉冲星(中心左上方位置)。

    This computer processed image shows the Crab Nebula pulsar ( below and right of center ) and the Geminga pulsar ( above and left of center ) in the " light " of gamma-rays .

  28. 它在网上有,我给你们看的是,大部分人没见过的,也就是蟹状星云的,中心部分,中子星在这里。

    It 's on the Web , and I show you a picture that many of you probably haven 't seen yet , which is the center part of the Crab Nebula , and the pulsar is located here .

  29. 与蟹状星云和船帆座超新星遗迹中被磁化电子云(脉冲星风星云)环绕的高速自转中子星不同,这颗中子星安静而虚弱,目前为止,没有显示脉冲辐射的迹象。

    Unlike the rapidly rotating neutron stars in the Crab Nebula and Vela supernova remnants that are surrounded by dynamic magnetized clouds of electrons called pulsar wind nebulas , this neutron star is quiet , faint , and so far shows no evidence for pulsed radiation .