
  1. 《鲁宾逊漂流记》是一本世界名著。

    ' Robinson Crusoe ' is one of the most famous books in the world .

  2. 世界名著封神演义大作。

    World famous work feng-shen-yan-yi does in a big way .

  3. 我有许多外语书,其中很多是世界名著。

    I have many foreign language books , most of which are world famous works .

  4. 在法国旅游,就好像把世界名著中提及过的地方慢慢地找寻出来。

    Tourism in France is more like a discovery tour for places that masterpieces mentioned .

  5. 英国牛津版《技术史》是科技史领域的世界名著。

    Oxford of Britain edition " technological history " is the world masterpiece of the scientific and technological history field .

  6. 本文对小说中这两个主要角色以及小说作者从悲喜因素两方面进行详细分析,帮助广大读者从一个全新的角度欣赏这部世界名著。

    This essay analyzes the novel in these two opposite but unified dimensions to help readers appreciate it from a brand-new angle .

  7. 话说我和一个朋友去泰安,我那朋友是个世界名著狂兼摇滚音乐迷。

    A friend , who was crazy about world classic novels and rock music , and I took a train journey to Taian .

  8. 其次,教师要引导学生和鼓励学生有计划地攻读一些世界名著和中国古典名著。

    Second , teachers should guide students and to encourage students to study for a planned manner some of the world famous and the Chinese classics .

  9. 他所处的环境使他接触到了西方的观念、思想,而且他早年对世界名著、林译小说多有涉猎。

    His ambience make him get to western concept and idea , but also he dabble in masterpiece and the novels which have been translated by Lin Shu .

  10. 《十日谈》是意大利文艺复兴时期卜加丘撰写的一部世界文学名著。

    Decameron is a world-famous literary work in the Italian Renaissance period .

  11. 《安徒生童话》是世界文学名著。

    Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales has been a well-known literature in the world .

  12. 熔调查材料与知识资料于一炉,铸就世界不朽名著《古代社会》。

    Ancient Society , the immortal masterpiece , was created by melting investigated materials with information knowledge .

  13. 学生时期,他很早就读了许多世界文学名著,还经常给他中学的报纸写文章。

    As a student , he early read many of the classics of world literature and wrote frequent articles for his high-school newspaper .

  14. 直到将近半个世纪以后,人们才逐渐认识到这部作品的内涵和本质,承认它是一部奇书,一部富有独创性和超前性的伟大作品,从而把它列为世界文学名著之列。

    Its essence and nature were realized after half of a century , and it was seen a great works with originality and superiority .

  15. 被列为世界小说名著之一的简·奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》在我国至少已有十二种译本。

    Pride and Prejudice is regarded as one of the most famous novels , and there are more than twelve Chinese translation versions in China .

  16. 我们那时虽然非常贫困,但母亲仍然给我订购了一套《世界文学名著》,每册39美分,每月一册。

    Though desperately poor , she signed up for a deal that supplied one volume of " World 's Greatest Literature " every month at39 cents a book .

  17. 尽管两部作品相隔近70年,但都可称为是不朽的世界经典名著。

    Although The Catcher in the Rye was published almost 70 years later than The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , both of them are no more properly called than imperishable world classics .

  18. 世界文学名著创作过程研究者面对的是作家和作品,这就构成了双重解谜者的角色。

    Those who study the process of the creation of the world literary masterpieces deal with writers as well as works , therefore t they play a dual role of solving a riddle .

  19. 克劳塞维茨是德国军事理论家,他的遗著《战争论》是一部资产阶级军事理论的经典著作,成为世界学术名著。

    As a German military theorist , Clausewitz 's book " On War " is known sa a classics of capitalist military theory and a famous one in the academic circles of the world .

  20. 国内外对文学作品,尤其对这部世界经典名著的研究不乏其人,方法和角度更是多种多样,例如语用学,功能语法和翻译研究等。

    The study on literary works , the world classic Jane Eyre in particular , is rich , and the approaches and perspectives are various , such as pragmatics , functional grammar and translation study .

  21. 与西方文学名著相比,《源氏物语》作为世界文学名著,且又出自与中国有着深厚的文化渊源的日本,中国的读者、研究者理应对其有着深刻的认识。

    Compared with famous Western literary works , The Tale of Genji , a world literary master-piece from Japan , a country with profound cultural sources from China , should have enjoyed a deep understanding among Chinese readers and researchers .

  22. 翻译文学经典是指翻译文学史上杰出的译作,或是指翻译过来的世界文学名著,或是指在译入语特定文化语境中被经典化了的外国文学作品。

    Literary canon of translation indicates the exceptional translation works in the translation history , or the translations works of masterpieces of world literature , or the foreign literature works that have been canonized in the context of the target language culture .

  23. 《天方夜谭》是流传世界各地的名著。

    The Arabian Nights is read all over the world .

  24. 内容简介埃米莉所著《呼哮山庄》是文学史上最具毁灭性的爱与恨奇书,同时被列为世界十大小说名著之一。

    Emily Bront ë 's only novel , Wuthering Heights remains one of literature 's most disturbing explorations into the dark side of romantic passion .