
qí lǎo
  • Elderly;old people;aged person
耆老 [qí lǎo]
  • [aged person] 年老而有地位的士绅

耆老[qí lǎo]
  1. 耆老作为精英群体的一个特殊类型,在政府与民众之间发挥着不可替代的中介作用。

    As a special Local elite group , their role as the agency between government and Multitude is unique .

  2. 盛?因为断这两个案子,还被当地的耆老士绅狠狠的夸奖了一番,送了一块‘明镜高悬’的牌匾。

    Prosperous ? for break legal cases that these are twos , return elder private Shen of quilt the zone to mercilessly wail up some variety of , send a cake of'clear mirror Gao Xuan'of signboard .