
sī xiǎnɡ ɡōnɡ zuò
  • ideological work
  1. 对于思想工作,千万不可操切从事。

    As to the ideological work , we should never go about impetuously .

  2. 做思想工作必须对症下药。

    In doing ideological work , one must suit one 's methods to the situation .

  3. 做思想工作时,必须学会“一把钥匙开一把锁”,因为适用于一个人的方法不一定适用于另一个人。

    In Ideological work , we must learn to open different locks with different keys because a method that answers with one person may not answer with another .

  4. 加强离退休群体的思想工作的探讨

    About improving the thought work of the people in retirement

  5. 做好宣传思想工作的十个问题

    Ten Issues for Making a Good Job of Publicizing and Ideological Work

  6. 医院深化改革需要思想工作作保障。

    The deepening of hospital reform needs to be guaranteed by ideological work .

  7. 强化思想工作提高职工素质

    Strengthen Ideological Work , Improving Staff 's Quality

  8. 做好新时期煤炭企业的宣传思想工作

    Ideological Work in Enterprise in a New Stage

  9. 增强经常性思想工作群众性的几个问题

    Enhancing the Mass Character of Everyday Ideological Work

  10. 新时期大一学生思想工作管窥

    Views on the Ideological Work on the First year College Students in the New Period

  11. 充分发挥宣传思想工作优势为学院改革发展提供强有力的思想保证

    On taking full advantage of propaganda work to guarantee the reform and development of our institute

  12. 要针对每个单位、每个人的不同情况去做思想工作。

    Ideological work should be carried out according to the particular circumstances of each unit and each individual .

  13. 关于优秀运动队心理及思想工作探析&互相理解、互相支持、互相信任是做好优秀运动队思想政治工作的基准

    Mutual Understanding , Support and Trust are the Basic Criterion of Good Achievement of Sports Teams ′ Ideological and Political Education

  14. 高科技给人们的生活带来了巨大而深刻的影响,也给宣传思想工作带来机遇和挑战。

    The high technology has made profound influence on people 's life and also brought about challenges and opportunities for the publicity work .

  15. 青年是国有企业持续发展的重要力量,青年工作是企业思想工作的重要组成部分。

    The youth is an important force for the continuing development of state-owned enterprise , the youth work is important part of ideology work in enterprise .

  16. 建立社会、学校、家庭、社区、街道居民委员会、经济部门、群众团体、机关、街道媒体四结合的宣传思想工作模式;

    Set up four propaganda thought work patterns combined of society , school , family , community , neighborhood committee , economic department , mass organization , organ , street media ;

  17. 民族地区农村宣传思想工作面临认识不高,投入不足,阵地建设差,宣传手段落后,干部队伍素质亟待提高的问题。

    Propaganda and ideological work in ethnic rural areas is confronted with mang problems in terms of understanding , investment , position construction , propaganda means and the quality of ranks of cadres .

  18. 经过思想工作和思想斗争,党端正了思想路线,通过了赞成苏俄同德国签订和约的决议,从而巩固了苏维埃政权和发展了社会主义事业。

    Through the ideological work and struggle , the Party rectified the ideological line and passed the resolution of concluding the peace treaty with Germany , thus consolidated the Soviet political power and pushed Soviet socialism forward .

  19. 强化学校抵御宗教极端思想渗透工作

    enhance schools ' capacity to resist ideological infiltration by religious extremism

  20. 加入WTO后做好企业思想政治工作的若干思考

    Ponderings over the Necessity of Enhancing the Thought and Political Work in Enterprises after Entering the WTO

  21. CI战略与思想政治工作

    CI Strategy and Ideology Politics work

  22. 面对加入WTO带来的负面影响,必须不断探索思想政治工作的新路子,积极寻求有效的对策,开创思想政治工作新局面。

    Facing the negative effects brought by the entry to the WTO , we must explore new approaches in ideological and political work search effective countermeasures and innovate new methods in ideological and political work .

  23. 中国加入WTO后的社会现实已经发生或即将发生深刻的变化,它使思想政治工作面临许多新情况、产生许多新问题。

    The Chinese social reality has taken or will take great changes after China joined the WTO , which makes mentality and politics work being faced with many new situations and gives rise to many new problems .

  24. 本文主要介绍了正弦波脉宽调制型(SPWM)晶体管单相逆变器的设计思想和工作原理,对一些技术问题进行了初步的研究与探讨。

    This paper deals mainly with designing guidelines and operating principles of a sine pulse width modulation ( SPWM ) single-phase transistor inverter . An initial study and exploration has been made of some of the technical problems .

  25. 思想政治工作的重要原则:以人为本

    " People-centered ": the Cardinal Principle of Ideological and Political Work

  26. 企业经营诚信缺失矫治与思想政治工作

    On Lack of Credit in the Business & the Ideological Work

  27. 思想政治工作就是引导的工作。

    Ideological and political work are to give guidance to people .

  28. 思想政治工作效率刍议

    A Tentative Discussion on the Efficiency of Ideological and Political work

  29. 积极探索高校思想政治工作的新途径&浅谈高校政治辅导员如何做好思想政治工作

    On Exploring New Approach to Political and Ideological works in Universities

  30. 入世后刑侦办案思想与工作模式初探

    Criminal Investigation Principle and Work Mode after the Entry of WTO