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  • 网络Siming;Ssu-ming
  1. 本文所提出针对思明区人社局平时绩效考核体系完善的措施和方法,是本人在厦门大学攻读MPA期间密切关注并积极思索的。

    The measures and methods of Siming District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau usual performance appraisal system is perfect , I pursue MPA at the Xiamen University , pay close attention to and actively thinking .

  2. 厦门市思明区学前教育的改革与思考

    On the Preschool Education Reform in the Siming District of Xiamen City

  3. 结论思明区部分食品中镉污染情况较严重。

    Conclusion The contamination of cadmium in some foods was serious in Siming district .

  4. 目的了解思明区主要食品中镉污染状况。

    Objective To understand the contamination of cadmium in some food in Siming district .

  5. 厦门市思明区人群乙型肝炎病毒感染现况调查

    Survey on Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among General Population in Siming District , Xiamen

  6. 研究了依思明蓝和牛血清白蛋白结合的共振散射光谱特征。

    Studies on binding of Isamin Blue ( IB ) and BSA are presented here .

  7. 在课程管理实践中提升幼儿园课程建设的质量&厦门市思明区幼儿园课程建设的启示

    How to Improve Curriculum Quality through Curriculum Management & Inspirations from Xiamen Siming District 's Experiences

  8. 厦门市思明区商会明发艺术城协会常务副秘书长;

    Xiamen the Amoy area chamber of commerce clearly sends the art of standing deputy secretary general of the city ;

  9. 教育均衡发展与学前教育资源的区域共享&思明区学前教育片区管理的实践与反思

    Through Sharing Resources to Realize the Even Development of Preschool Education & a Case from the Siming District of Xiamen City

  10. 厦门市美术家协会会员,现任厦门市油画产业协会及思明区商会明发艺术城协会常务理事。

    Xiamen artist association member , current xiamen oil painting industry association and the Amoy area chamber of commerce clearly sends the art city association .

  11. 结论稽留流产清宫术后服用短效避孕药“优思明”对宫腔粘连有较好的预防作用,值得临床上广泛应用。

    Conclusion Qing missed abortion were treated with short-acting contraceptives ," Yasmin " to better prevention of intrauterine adhesions role , it is widely used clinically .

  12. 他到长安奏事,博得了玄宗的喜欢,赐名为思明。

    He went to Chang'an to report to the throne , thus gained the favor of Xuan-zong who gave the name " Siming " to him .

  13. 这两项研究都证明了优思明和其他口服避孕药相比,其相关的心血管不良事件的风险并无差异。

    Both these studies confirmed that the risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes for Yasmin does not differ from those associated with the use of other oral contraceptives .

  14. 同时,我们十分自豪,我们的姐妹城市&中国厦门思明区,年年被选为最干净、最进取的模范城市。

    And we are proud to have a sister city-Siming , Xiamen in China that has been elected as the cleanest , most progressive model city year after year .

  15. 本次征名活动由思明区政府、厦门日报社主办,厦门市开元国有资产投资有限公司承办。

    This time drafts an activity by the amoy area government , Xiamen Newspaper office sponsors , Xiamen founds a nation the state asset investment limited company to undertake .

  16. 我们真诚希望,在不久的将来,厦门思明区和萨拉索塔能够共同发展,在文化、教育、体育、科技和经济上进行更多方面的交流。

    We sincerely hope that in the near future , we can mutually develop more cultural , educational , sports , technological and economical exchanges between Siming , Xiamen and Sarasota .

  17. 在思明南路和海之间,古老中国的影子在一排排老店,以及街边市场刺耳的喧闹声中显现。

    Here , between Siming Nan Lu and the sea , echoes of old China reverberate in row after row of shops , and in the dissonant clatter of the sidewalk marketplace .

  18. 文中对思明区人社局平时绩效考核实践的现状做了全面阐述,并结合问卷调查的数据分析,指出该局平时绩效考核中存在的主要不足。

    Elaborates the Siming District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau usual performance appraisal of the status quo , combining the questionnaire data analysis , and points out that the Bureau main problems existing in usual performance appraisal .