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  1. 结果表明,化州橘红的Cu,Ca含量显著低于其它产地橘红,而其它元素含量差异不大。

    The result indicated that the contents of elements Cu , Ca of Juhong in Huazhou were lower than in other areas , but the contents of other elements were almost the same .

  2. 化州悬臂梁桥的病害分析与承载力评价

    Disease Analysis and Load-Bearing Capacity Appraise on the Huazhou Bridge

  3. 化州橘红成年态茎段再生体系研究初报

    Preliminary study on adult Exocarpium citri Grandis stem regeneration system

  4. 2004年化州市托幼机构消毒效果分析

    Results of sterilization in nurseries and kindergartens in Huazhou City in 2004

  5. 化州市2005年健康人群流脑抗体水平调查

    Survey of antibody level of cerebrospinal meningitis in health populations of Huazhou in 2005

  6. 结论:化州市化橘红主产区土壤环境质量总体良好。

    Conclusion : The environmental quality of growing area soils of Citrus grandis in Huazhou City is totally in good .

  7. 目的:对化州市化橘红主产区土壤和化橘红幼果的重金属元素污染状况进行分析、评价。

    Objective : To determine the status of heavy metals contamination in growing area soils and young fruits of Citrus grandis .

  8. 应用判别分析法对1981~1995年广东化州市早稻穗瘟的流行程度进行了分析,建立了早稻穗瘟流行程度的判别函数。

    By applying discriminatory analysis method , the epidemic degree data of neck blast on early rice in Huazhou city , Guangdong province during 1981 ~ 1995 were analyzed , a discriminatory function of the epidemic degree of this disease was established .