
  1. 南京化学工业园行政服务中心设计

    The Design of Administration Service Center of Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park

  2. 南京化学工业园电子商务发展解析

    Analysis of e-Commerce Development of Nanjing Chemical Industry Park

  3. 山东齐鲁化学工业园水资源可持续性论证模式探讨

    Study on Demonstration Model of Sustainable Water Resource of Qilu Chemical Industry Area

  4. 扬州化学工业园可持续发展的对策措施

    Measures for Sustainable Development of Yangzhou Chemical Industry Park

  5. 以生态学原理为依据,本项研究尝试性地提出了区域开发的生态影响评价指标体系,并以南京市化学工业园的建设为例,研究区域开发对区域生态系统结构和功能的影响;

    On the basis of ecology principles , an ecological impact assessment index system to regional development was set up .

  6. 摘要利用现代信息通信技术,大力发展石化电子商务是南京化学工业园的基本发展思路。

    The basic development approach of Nanjing Chemical Industry Park is to promote petrochemical industry e-commerce by making use of modern information communication techniques .

  7. 简要分析了设立南京化学工业园的必要性、优势特点,阐述了化工园区建设对石化工业及地区经济发展的促进作用和现实意义。

    In this paper , the necessity and practical sense of establishing Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park is analyzed , its advantages and promotion on the petrochemical industries are also explained .

  8. 笔者以镇江市化学工业园为案例进行分析,通过实地调查,对周边居民进行了问卷调查,通过资料汇总和分析得出并揭示了工业园的污染对周边环境造成的具体影响和危害。

    The author analyzes the Chemical Industrial Park of Zhenjiang . Through the questionnaire , it is revealed the pollution of industrial park on the surrounding environment caused by specific effects and hazards .

  9. 拟建的南京化学工业园规划区内生态系统的自然条件比较好,虽然受南京大厂地区现有的几个大型企业的影响,区内的生物多样性、生态系统结构已出现退化迹象。

    The natural ecosystem conditions are good in the study region . Received the influence of several existing large-scale enterprises in Dachang , the bio-diversity and ecosystem structures of the region have already presented the degradation sign .

  10. 通过介绍南京化学工业园方案的设计过程,该文分析了从建造环境、使用者的行为形态、使用者价值取向出发的建筑设计理念,探讨了建筑形式生成的逻辑规律。

    Through introducing the design course of the administration center of Nanjing chemical industry park , this paper analyzes the design idea in terms of building environment , behavior of users , value of users , discuses the logic from which the shape forms .

  11. 化学法处理电镀工业园生产废水技术应用

    Chemical Method for Treatment of Electroplating Industrial Park Wastewater Technology Application

  12. 化工物流产业集群竞争优势分析&以上海化学工业区物流产业园为例

    Analysis on Competitive Superiority of Chemistry Logistics Industry Cluster Dandong Industrial Zone