
  1. 采用XRD,DTA-TG,SEM分析表征了相组成、热工艺过程及显微结构,采用激光热导、四探针测试、拉伸试验等测定了热导率、金属化方阻、金属化层的结合强度。

    Phase compositions , hot processing procedures and microstructures of AlN ceramics with and without metallization were characterized by XRD , DTA-TG , SEM . Thermal conductivity , sheet resistance and adhesive strength were measured by laser flash method , four probe technique and tensile test .

  2. 在现代社会条件下,学校德育力必须通过德育的专业化方能得到加强。

    In modern society , the only way of strengthening force of school moral education is the specialization of moral education .

  3. 相比而言,发达国家在电子废弃物的污染防治和资源化方面积累了一定的经验,并建立了相对完善的法律法规体系。

    However , the developed country has accumulated relatively more experience on the pollution prevention and utilization of electric waste with the more complete relevant laws and regulations system established .

  4. 他们或写文章总结本人或他人的创作经验,或从理论上作体系性的探讨,在探索和声民族化方面积累了丰富的经验。

    They write articles to summarize creative experience of themselves or others ' , or make system discussion theoretically . They have accumulated abundant experience in exploring harmony nationalization . Mr.

  5. 只有这样,政策型过渡性社区才能充分发挥连接城乡之作用,城郊城市化方得以稳步前进。

    Only in this way the policy transitional community can play the role well in connecting urban and rural areas , thus promoting the process of urbanization of the suburbs steadily .

  6. 改革开放以来,我国大陆地区高考作文命题始终处于探索和调整之中,在命题的科学化方面积累了不少经验,但仍遭受到来自外界的批评和质疑。

    Since the Reform and Open-up policy of China , the Chinese composition writing test of the National College Entrance Examination is exploring and adjusting all the time , which has accumulated much experiences but still suffered from criticism and questioning now and then .

  7. 目的探讨小剂量X射线照射诱导大鼠脑细胞凋亡及中药补阳还五汤化裁方的防护作用。

    Objective To study the cerebral cell apoptosis induced by small dose of X-ray in rats and the preventive effect of modified Buyang Huanwu decoction ( BHD ) on it .

  8. 通过检测肠嗜铬细胞数量及测定血清5-HT、NO含量变化,阐明芳香化湿方药对应激状态下胃肠动力的影响。

    Through the determination of cell and the secretion of intestinal 5-HT and serum NO variation in content of wet aroma , improve the condition of stress formulas gastrointestinal influence . 3 .

  9. 化湿方治疗2型糖尿病临床观察及相关实验研究

    Clinical and Related Experimental Study of Dissipating Hygrosis Prescription on Treating Type 2 Diabetes

  10. 补阳还五汤化裁方对放射诱导大鼠脑细胞凋亡的防护作用

    Effect of Modified Buyang Huanwu Decoction in Protecting Brain Cells from Radiation Induced Apoptosis in Rats

  11. 术苓健脾化湿方治疗特应性皮炎的临床研究

    The Zhu Ling Invigorating Spleen to Eliminate Dampness Prescription to Treat an Atopic Dermatitis of Clinical Research

  12. 犀角地黄汤化裁方治疗毒蛇咬伤血分证的观察护理

    Observation and Nursing of Blood-aspect Pattern Caused by Poisonous Snake Bite and Treated Using Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction

  13. 养阴清热化雪方对预防肺癌化疗病人口腔霉菌感染的临床观察

    Clinic observation of effects on preventing stomatomycosis of pulmonary carcinoma chemotherapy patients with nourishing yin and transforming snow gargle

  14. 前言:目的观察化瘤方治疗气虚血瘀型子宫肌瘤的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of " Hualiu Recipe " on hysteromyoma of qi deficiency and blood stasis .

  15. 扶脾活血化浊方药治疗酒精性脂肪肝的临床与实验研究

    Effect of Tonifying Spleen , Activating Blood Circulation and Resolving Phlegm on ALF : A Clinical Study and an Experiment

  16. 生化指标显示与模型组比较:1.空白组、逍遥丸化裁方组尿液中D-木糖的含量低于模型组。

    Compared to model group , the D-xylose contents of blank group group and Improved Prescription of Carefree Pill Decoction group both lower .

  17. 健脾化浊方治疗湿性老年黄斑变性的临床研究

    The Clinical Researches of Chinese Medicine about the Prescription of Reinforcing the Spleen to Turn Muddy Toward the Disease of Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration

  18. 结论:中药养阴化雪方漱口液对肺癌化疗病人具有良好的预防口腔霉菌感染的作用。

    Conclusion : The nourishing yin and transforming snow , Chinese medicine gargle had good effects on preventing stomatomycosis of pulmonary carcinoma chemotherapy patients .

  19. 清热化湿方药对以消化不良为主要表现的脾胃湿热证患者血清胃肠激素及细胞因子的影响

    Effect of QING RE HUA SHI Decoction on Serum Gastrin , Motilin , TNF - α 1 and IL-10 in the Dyspepsia Patients with Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome

  20. 结果:健脾化湿方合小青龙汤对久咳患者有明显的疗效,对伴随症状有明显的改善作用。

    Results : There was obviously effect for strengthen spleen resolving dampness decoction combined with Xiao Qinglong decoction to chronic cough , and it could improve concomitant symptom .

  21. 结论:健脾化湿方合小青龙汤对咽痒性慢性咳嗽有较好的疗效,其机理可能是对患者异常的免疫状态进行适当的调节。

    Conclusion : It has a good effect for strengthen spleen resolving dampness decoction combined with Xiao Qinglong decoction to chronic cough with throat itching , and its mechanism may be that abnormal immune status is reasonably modulated by this method .

  22. ESB是一种体系结构模式,支持虚拟化通信参与方之间的服务交互并对其进行管理。

    An ESB is an architectural pattern that supports virtualization and management of service interactions between communicating participants .

  23. 化浊解毒方对酒精性肝病大鼠MDA、SOD、iNOS影响的研究

    Study on Effects of Hua Zhuo Jie Du Decoction on MDA 、 SOD 、 iNOS in Alcoholic Liver Disease Rats

  24. 高精度的化圆为方和立方倍积作图法

    High Precision Graphic Methods for Squaring Circular Area and Multiplying Cubic Volume

  25. 化浊解毒方治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Treating Chronic Atrophic Gastritis with Hua Zhuo Jie Du Fang

  26. 阿伊·哈努姆遗址与希腊化时期东西方诸文明的互动

    Ai khanum Site and the Interaction between Western and Eastern Civilizations in Hellenistic Period

  27. 从数学家面前混过去比「化圆为方」还难。

    It is easier to square the circle than to get round a mathematician .

  28. 用阿基米德螺线能成功地解决化圆为方的问题,方法很简单。

    A neat solution of the quadrature problem can be achieved with the spiral of Archimedes .

  29. 节奏来源于生活,生活节奏要经过艺术化的转化方能成为舞蹈节奏。

    Only when the rhythm of life is artistically transformed can it become that of dance .

  30. 又一个化圆为方猜想,又一场数学新闻组里的互相乱喷&也许更严重?

    Another cubed-sphere hypothesis , another flame war in the math newsgroups & or something more serious ?