
  • 网络chemical barrier
  1. 发现斑马鱼肠道具有完整的机械屏障、化学屏障和免疫屏障结构。

    We found that zebrafish intestine had an intact structure of mechanical barrier , chemical barrier and immune barrier .

  2. 胶质瘢痕的抑制作用:致密的胶质瘢痕是轴突再生的物理屏障,对轴突的再生起着直接的阻碍作用。而胶质瘢痕内大量的抑制因子则构成阻碍神经轴突再生的化学屏障。

    Inhibitory effect of glial scar : Compact glial scar , the physical barrier of axon regeneration , directly obstructed the axon regeneration , and correspondingly , a lot of inhibitory factors in glial scar formed the chemical barrier of nerve axon regeneration .

  3. 铀随地下水迁移的地球化学屏障物料选择

    Selection of Geochemical Engineering Barrier Material for Uranium Migration With Groundwater

  4. 白蚁预防主要为化学屏障和物理屏障2种方法。

    Currently used approaches for termite prevention are chemical and physical barriers .

  5. 砷的地球化学屏障作用初探

    Approach on Effect of Arsenic Geochemical Block

  6. 对小鼠肠道损伤的作用机制主要是从机械屏障、化学屏障、生物屏障和免疫屏障四个方面造成肠道损伤。

    Can effect on mouse intestine barrier was mainly from the four parts including machine , chemistry , biology and immunologic barrier .

  7. 其综合作用结果之一就是有可能形成有利于某些元素沉积、固定的特殊环境,即形成地球化学屏障。

    As a result , special environment that is of advantage to deposit and fix some elements has formed , which is called geochemical barrier .

  8. 为控制白蚁危害,白蚁防治技术在不断地创新,发展到如今,主要有化学屏障技术、物理屏障技术、白蚁种群控制技术、白蚁检测技术等。

    For the control of termites , termite control is on innovation and development in constantly . To the present , the main control technologies are chemical , physical , population control , termite detection and so on .

  9. 木质素是由多种简单的苯丙烷及其衍生物聚合形成的复杂聚合物,其通过有效物理化学屏障在植物抵抗病、虫害侵入中起着重要作用。

    Lignin is a complex polymer formed by Many simple phenylpropane and derivatives which plays a great role in organism . lignin consists of effective physical chemistry barrier that resist the pests and diseases invasion , so it has an important role in pests resistance and diseases invasion .

  10. 核废物处置地球化学工程屏障研究

    Experimental research on geochemical engineering barrier used in radioactive waste disposal

  11. 放射性废物处置某场址地球化学工程屏障研究

    Study on the geochemical engineering barrier at a disposal site for radioactive wastes

  12. 他们附加大量化学元素作为屏障阻止电子从介质跳跃回染料。

    They tailored the dye by attaching bulky chemical groups that act as barriers , preventing unwanted back-hopping of electrons from the mediator to the dye .

  13. 三种化学物质对皮肤屏障功能的影响

    Effects of three chemicals on the skin barrier function

  14. 美国科罗拉多国家大气研究中心的科学家说,这种化学物可以提升植物的生物化学屏障。

    The chemicals are produced as a gas to boost the plant 's biochemical defences , say scientists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado .

  15. 领导此项研究的托马思。卡尔说,这种化学物质引发植物蛋白质的形成,从而提升其生物化学屏障,同时还能降低伤害。

    Thomas Karl , who led the study , said the chemical triggers " the formation of proteins that boost their biochemical defences and reduce injury " .

  16. 人们使用生理学方法、药理学方法、组织化学方法、生物化学方法、毒理学方法研究化学物对皮肤屏障功能的影响。

    The physiology method , pharmacology , histochemistry , biochemistry , and toxicology methods are used to research chemicals affecting on skin barrier function .