
  • 网络chemical literature
  1. INTERNET化学文献资源检索

    Searching for Chemical Literature Resources on Internet

  2. INTERNET是一个极其重要的信息资源宝库,在这个信息宝库上有着巨大的化学文献情报资源。

    Internet is a important information library , There are a huge amounts of chemical literature resources on it .

  3. Internet环境下的化学文献检索方法与技巧

    Strategies and Skills of Fast Search for Literatures of Chemistry under the Internet Conditions

  4. Internet中的化学文献资源及使用方法

    Chemical Resources and Using Method in Internet

  5. STN国际联机检索系统中化学文献检索方法的比较与研究

    Comparative Studies on the Searching Methods for Chemical Documents on STN

  6. 第四章:化学文献服务系统的开发。

    Chapter 4 : Development of chemical literature service system .

  7. 能够熟练地检索和运用各种化学文献及专利;

    Experienced in searching and handle Chemistry literature and patent ;

  8. 化学文献的检索与利用

    Research and application to chemistry literature

  9. 化学文献检索与利用课程教学改革探讨

    An Approach to the Teaching Reform in the Course of Chemical Literature Consult and its Application

  10. 信息时代高校化学文献检索与利用课程设置的调查与探讨

    Survey and Discussion on Setup of Document Retrieval and Application Courses of college in information Era

  11. 绿色化学文献介绍

    Introduction of Literatures of Green Chemistry

  12. 化学文献及查阅方法

    Chemical Literature & Consulting Method

  13. 用登记号进行化学文献检索,是一种既简单又方便的检索途径。

    It is a kind of simple and convenient way to search chemical documents by registry number .

  14. 这部分主要介绍了论文所述化学文献服务系统的数据来源,来源于根据中国文献深度加工计划,直接从文献中标引并输入的数据。

    This part mainly introduces data sources of the chemical literature service system . It originates in the plan of deep-refining of chemical literature , which has the function of inputting data directly from quotations of literature .

  15. 论文一改传统的化学文献数据库的服务模式,提出在化学文献深度加工的基础上进行化学文献服务系统的设计及实现,旨在为用户提供更方便、高效的化学文献服务。

    This thesis proposes a new service model of chemical literature database through designing and realization of deep-refining based Chemical Literature Service System , aiming to improving the traditional models and providing more convenient and efficient services .

  16. 利用STN进行化学化工文献检索

    Searching literatures of chemistry and chemical industry by using STN

  17. 概括介绍了STN检索系统,提出利用STN俭索化学化工文献的原则、途径和方法,给出检索实例并列出STN系统的其它代表性化学化工数据库。

    STN system is summarized . The principle and method of searching literatures of chemistry and chemical industry are proposed . Some examples are given and some other outstanding databases are listed .

  18. 网上化学期刊文献的获取与利用策略

    Strategy for Gaining and using the On-line Journals of Chemical

  19. 问题学习教学模式在化学化工文献检索教学中的应用

    Application of PBL teaching pattern in chemical document retrieval

  20. 《化学化工文献检索》课教学改革探索

    Study on Reform of the Course " Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Document Retrieval "

  21. 中文化学化工文献检索应注意分子式检索的使用

    Care the Use of Molecular Formula Index in Searching Chinese Literature of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

  22. 化学专利文献的检索

    Chemical Patent Document Retrieval

  23. 本文介绍的系统就是一个对化学化工文献加工处理,得到所需的目标数据的系统。

    The system introduced in this paper is a system that processes chemical documents and gets the data needed .

  24. 本文以高等教育实施211工程为出发点,探讨了高等院校图书馆现代化学科文献信息中心建设的目标、结构及其功能。

    This paper takes the " 211 " project of higher education as the starting point , discusses the objection , structure and function document information center of modern discipline in academic schools .

  25. 本文从问题学习的概念出发,给出了问题学习教学模式的操作流程,并通过化学化工文献检索教学案例的分析,阐述了其具体的应用过程。

    Based on the concept of Problem Based Learning , this paper provides the operational process of the teaching pattern , and elaborates its specific application course through the chemical teaching case of documental retrieval .

  26. 研究结果表明,在本文提出的前处理工艺下所获得的化学镀镍层与文献中的前处理工艺下获得的镀层的硬度、耐蚀性相当,但此工艺不含高污染物CrO3和HF。

    The results showed that rigidity and corrosion resistance of EN deposit following new pretreatment proposed in the dissertation was almost the same as that of deposit following pretreatment mentioned in literatures .

  27. 其石油醚萃取部位的化学成分尚未见文献报道。

    Chemical constituents of petroleum ether fraction have not been reported yet .

  28. 本文介绍了以常规的化学分析方法替代文献报道的高压液相色谱法对稳田除草剂水杨酸双嘧啶(钠)进行定量分析的研究。

    In this paper , a general chemical quantitative analysis method for bispyribac-sodium was described , which may be used as the substitute of HPLC method .

  29. 科技条件是进行科技创新的物质基础,它包含科学仪器、实验动物、化学试剂、科技文献等多方面内容。

    The Scientific Conditions are the material foundation of technological innovation , which contain many factors like scientific instruments , experimental animals , chemical reagent and so on .

  30. 本文对近年发表的有关甘草属植物化学和药理学研究文献进行了综述,其中包括了得自本属植物的新的黄酮类、三萜类成分。

    The latest papers published on chemical and pharmacological studies on licorice have been reviewed in this paper , in which the new constituents of flavonoids and triterpenoids as well as their structures , physical constants , plant resources are summarized .