
  • 网络Electrical Engineering Materials;electrical material
  1. 电工材料的电磁特性精细模拟是提高电气工程中复杂电磁场问题的求解精度和产品电磁设计(electromagneticdesign)有效性的关键。

    The electromagnetic property effective modeling of electrical materials is the key to improve the prediction results of engineering electromagnetic field problems and validate the electromagnetic design in electrical engineering .

  2. W-Cu复合材料具有良好的导电性、抗熔焊性和高强度、高硬度等优点,目前在电工材料、电子、军工、航天等领域有着广泛的应用。

    WCu composites have been used widely in the fields of electrical materials 、 electron 、 war industry and spaceflight due to their high strength and hardness , good electrical and erosion resistance .

  3. 把混凝土作为电工材料,对其电性能进行研究,尚属少见。

    It is still seldom to regard concrete as a kind of electrical material and study its electrical property .

  4. 从高压、低压及电工材料方面论述了目前电器的现状及未来发展的趋势。

    Electric apparatus status at present and its developing tendency in future are expounded from high and low voltages and electric materials .

  5. 证明了系统模块划分的科学性和正确性,为新型高性能电工材料应用特性的标准化建模奠定了重要基础。

    Result shows the system module partition is scientific and accurate , which lays an important foundation for standard modeling for new high performance materials applied to electrical engineering .

  6. 通过改进的爱泼斯坦方圈实验,给出一种非正弦供电下电工材料性能的实验研究方法,实验结果与理论值吻合较好。

    By improving on the Epstein frame measuring system , a method is proposed to measure the material loss under non-sinusoidal voltage , experimental results agree with the results computed well .

  7. 脉冲功率技术是一门综合性很强的基础性学科,它涉及到电工材料、等离子体科学、激光技术、微波磁学和光学、电子电路、工程电磁场、高电压技术、电气测量、半导体技术等等。

    The pulsed power technology is an all-around foundational subject , it involves to electric material , plasma science , laser technology , microwave magnetism and optics , electronic circuit , engineerings electromagnetic field , high voltage technology , electrical engineerings measurement , semiconductor technology and so on .

  8. 研究了电工陶瓷材料受三点弯曲负荷时的AE参数和强度。

    AE parameters and strength of the electric ceramic materials under three-point bending load are studied .

  9. PCu与Na联合变质,可使转子电工新材料Al-25%Si合金电阻率较高,力学性能较佳,综合效果最好。

    The modification of new electrical material Al 25 % Si alloy used for rotors with P Cu and Na composite make the resistivity is high , mechanical property is better and synthetic results are best .

  10. 最后得出结论:转子电工新材料采用Al-(25-28)%Si合金并用P-Cu与Na联合变质时,电阻率较高,抗拉强度和伸长率较好,综合效果最佳。

    And final conclusions are obtained : the modification of new electrical material Al - ( 25-28 ) % Si alloys used for rotors with P-Cu and Na combination make the resistivity is high , mechanical property is better and synthetically results are best .

  11. 电工绝缘材料中固体介质放气率的测试

    Test on Outgassing Rate or Solid Mediums in Electric Insulating Materials

  12. 电工陶瓷材料裂纹扩展规律的研究

    Research on crack propagation law for some electric porcelains

  13. GB/T1411-1978固体电工绝缘材料高压小电流间歇耐电弧试验方法

    Solid electric insulating materials & Test methods of high-voltage small-current intermittent arc resistance

  14. 玻璃纤维在电工电子材料中的应用

    Application of glass fibers in electric / electronic materials

  15. 电工陶瓷材料三点弯曲负荷下声发射和强度研究

    Study on acoustic emission and strength of the electric ceramic materials under three-point bending load

  16. 常用银基电工触头材料及无镉新材料的开发

    Development of in Use Silver Base Electrical Engineering Contact Materials and Cadmium Free New Materials

  17. 我国电工绝缘材料行业现状发展及其存在的问题

    The present status , development and the problems existing in the electrical insulating material industries in our country

  18. 近年来纳米聚合物复合材料由于其特殊性能,得到研究人员广泛关注,并逐渐应用到各个工程领域,特别是电工绝缘材料领域。

    Nano-composites , with special good properties , were attracting more and more attention of researcher and applied into extensive fields in recent years , especially in insulating materials .

  19. 锰系无磁铸铁是在普通铸铁的基础上添加锰及铝、铜合金元素制成的1种磁导率的新型电工合金材料。

    Manganese subgroup nonmagnetic cast iron is a new type of electrician alloy material that is made by alloying a common cast iron with manganese and some other alloy elements .

  20. 准确测定电工绝缘材料真空干燥过程中的含水量,并实现实时在线控制,在绝缘材料真空干燥工艺中具有重要的实践意义。

    It is important to measure the moisture level accurately in the vacuum drying process of electric insulating insulating , materials , and to carry out a real time control on line .

  21. 该项研究是为了开发一种成本低、电阻率高和力学性能好的电工新材料,用于高起动转矩特种三相异步电动机转子上,以达到提高电机质量、提高经济效益的目的。

    The purpose of this studying is to develop a kind of new electric material that are low cost , high resistivity and good mechanical property used for high torque special threephase asynchronous motor rotors , so that raising quality of motors and increasing economic profit .

  22. 基于交流伺服电机的数字化重载机械驱动技术,是高新技术(信息技术、自动控制、现代电工、新材料等)与传统的机械技术的结合。

    Based on AC servomotors , NC Heavy Duty Mechanical Driving is a combination of new and high technology ( information technology , auto control , modern electrotechnics , new material , etc. ) and traditional mechanical technology .

  23. 以市场上3种无取向电工钢板为实验材料,测量了{200}不完整极图。

    The { 200 } incomplete pole figures of 3 different non-oriented electrical steel sheets from the market was measured .