
  • 网络chemist;The Analyst
  1. 通过发现哪些混合体凝结在一起,哪些不凝结在一起,化验师就能确定你的血型了。

    By finding which mixtures do this , which do not , the technician can figure out your blood type .

  2. 化验师将把你的血样放到显微镜下,在标出范围的小区域内查出你的白细胞数量。

    A technician will examine your blood under a microscope & counting the white cells in a small marked-off area .

  3. 然后化验师在显微镜下观察每种混合体,看对你的红血球起了什么作用。

    He then looks at each mixture under a microscope to see what will happen to your red blood cells .