
jīn rónɡ jīnɡ jì
  • money economy
  1. 不确定环境下的投资组合选择理论是金融经济中一个传统而又非常重要的问题。

    Portfolio selection is a classic and important problem in financial economics .

  2. 现代经济是金融经济,商业银行的经营状况直接影响整体经济发展的稳定。

    The commercial bank , as a kind of special enterprise , its management state influences the stability of economic and financial development directly .

  3. 在生物医药,金融经济,工程制造等实际问题的研究中,高维模型是经常被用到的一类模型。高维数据分析也是近现代统计学领域中的热点和难点问题,相关的研究成果层出不穷。

    High-dimensional models are often used in biomedical , financial , economical and en-gineering fields and high dimensional data analysis is one of the key issues in modern statistical research .

  4. 因此,商业银行与中小企业的可持续发展成为当前我国金融经济界共同关注的热点问题和重点问题。

    At present , the sustainable development problem of commercial banks and small-medium enterprises has been a hot point and key question of common interest in the field of finance and economic .

  5. 随着金融经济的发展和不断完善,金融衍生品在金融中发挥着越来越重要的作用,金融衍生品的定价问题受到越来越多的人的关注。

    With the development and improvement of finance and economics , finan-cial derivatives are becoming more and more important in financial area , thus the pricing problem of financial derivatives is becoming more and more welcome to people .

  6. 建立适合金融经济环境的信贷服务,对于银行转变经营观念、提高银行信贷资产质量,提升银行资源的使用效率,具有十分紧迫而又重要的现实意义。

    Setting up a perfect banking credit service which is suitable to financial and economical circumstances is very important to shift management concept , raise the quality of banking credit assets , improve the efficiency of using banking resources .

  7. 目前又处于从传统的货币经济向金融经济转化过程之中,其特征日益突出:包括为经济发展筹措资金,实现储蓄向投资的转化;

    At present , we are living the changing course from traditional monetary economy to finance economy , whose characteristic are more and more sticking out : raising funds for the development of economy , realizing the changing between savings deposit and investment ;

  8. 本文从民营银行呼声出台的金融经济环境出发,解析了究竟什么是民营银行,民营银行是否真能解决中小企业融资难问题。

    Starting from the analysis of the economic and financial circumstances under which the opinion of establishing non-governmental bank s is voiced , this paper explains what is a " non-governmental bank " and whether it can solve the small-and-medium enterprises ' financing difficulties .

  9. 非接触式IC射频智能卡在金融,经济等社会领域中起着重要的作用,本文着重研究了基于单片机的无线智能IC射频卡读写系统的设计方法。

    Wireless IC smart card is playing important role in society field such as finance and economy . This article plays more attention in the design method about the wireless IC smart card reader and writer system .

  10. 他补充道:在华盛顿,我们就一些原则达成了共识。在伦敦,我们希望看到结果。他指的是去年在华盛顿举行的上届G20会议,那是针对金融和经济危机的首次全球政治回应。

    In Washington we agreed on principles , in London we want to see results , he added , referring to last year 's precursor G20 meeting , the first global political reaction to the financial and economic crisis .

  11. 其二,论证了民间金融对经济发展的影响。

    Second , the impact of folk finance on economic development .

  12. 贸易、发展金融、经济合作和一体化司

    Trade , Development Finance , Economic Cooperation and Integration Division

  13. 金融是经济的核心,实体经济与金融经济存在着明显的区别,金融趋同是全球化背景下的显著现象。

    As the core of economy , finance differs greatly from real economy .

  14. 金融与经济发展是密不可分的。

    Today Economic development is connected with financial closely .

  15. 金融赶超经济发展战略对欠发达国家和地区具有很重要的现实意义。

    The development strategy of finance surpassing economy is important to developing countries .

  16. 全球经济失衡下的金融泡沫经济

    Financial Bubble Economy in the Imbalanced World Economy

  17. 绿色金融与经济的可持续发展

    Green Finance and the Sustainable Development of Economy

  18. 民间金融与经济发展

    Informal Finance and Economic Development

  19. 金融支持经济发展的首要任务是构建全面建设小康社会的金融支持体系;

    The primary task for finance to support economic development is construct the financial support system in all sides .

  20. 第二章是对个人金融与经济发展的国内外理论的介绍。

    The second part is the introduction for the theory of personal financial and economic development at home and abroad .

  21. 过渡金融意指经济体制转轨时期的金融制度结构和金融制度安排。

    Transitional finance means a financial institutional structure as well as its arrangement in the period of the economic system transition .

  22. 金融与经济的相互融合,使经济和金融的运行质量和发展速度得到显著改善。

    With the integration of financial and economic the economic and financial operation quality and developing pace has been significantly improved .

  23. 金融与经济增长的关系始终是理论研究和实证分析的热点问题之一。

    The correlation between finance and economic growth is one of the hottest spot problems of theoretical studies and empirical analysis .

  24. 由于当前的金融和经济危机,许多有关经济应如何运行的固有观念显然已被搁在了一边。

    T he current financial and economic crisis is apparently sweeping aside many established ideas of how societies should run their economies .

  25. 目前,国外的有关研究以国别研究为主,集中针对金融和经济增长的因果关系进行探讨。

    The present research overseas mainly concentrates on countries , focusing on the analysis of cause and effect between finance and economy .

  26. 利用经济增长模型从动态的角度对金融与经济增长的关系进行了长期分析。

    By use of the economic growth model , this paper analyzes the long term relationship between the finance and the economic growth .

  27. 金融是经济的核心,要实现经济的可持续发展,就必须保障金融可持续发展。

    Finance is the core of economy , in order to realize economic sustainable development , we must ensure the sustainable development of finance .

  28. 金融作为经济增长的催化剂,其在改革中的发展进程无疑是我们重点关注的一个方面。

    As the catalyzer for the economic growth , finance is undoubtedly one of the most important factors that make out economy grow healthily .

  29. 金融对经济有着非常重要的支持作用,区域经济发展的根本金融原因是资本形成能力和资本产出能力的强弱。

    Finance have important support function to economy , the basic financial reason of regional economic development are the formed ability and output ability of capital thoroughly .

  30. 在本文的最后,针对浙江省金融、经济发展现状,提出如何进一步发展浙江省金融业以便更好地促进地区经济增长的政策建议。

    In the last , this paper present an advice about how to promote regional economic growth base on the economic and financial situation of Zhejiang Province .