
  • 网络Polycrystalline diamond;pcd;PDC
  1. 我国钻探用金刚石聚晶材料的工艺研究

    Technology study of PCD for drilling China

  2. 金刚石聚晶与复合片混合齿钻头

    Diamond PCD and PDC Mixed Drill Bit

  3. 探讨了PCD(金刚石聚晶)和PDC(金刚石复合体)的制做技术、合成机理、提高强度的途径、主要性能的测试方法及其在钻头上的镶焊技术。

    The development technology of PCD and PDC including their synthetic mechanism , testing and property measurement and the diamond setting technique on the bit , are introduced in this paper .

  4. 在对比现有测定人造金刚石聚晶耐磨性方法的基础上,提出用MSJ-1型磨损试验机测定聚晶的耐磨性,用相对磨损量评定其质量。

    After Comparing the conventional methods for determining the wear resistance of artificial diamond polycrystal , the authors present for this purpose a method with the help of a MSJ-1 wear test machine to assess the quality of polycrystals .

  5. 用铁基烧结助剂制备金刚石聚晶的研究

    Study on the Preparation of Polycrystalline Diamond Using Fe-based Sintering Agents

  6. 人造金刚石聚晶磨耗比与磁性关系的研究

    Research on Relationship between Abrasion Ratio and Magnetism of Synthetic Polycrystalline Diamond

  7. 测试了类球状微米金刚石聚晶膜的场致电子发射特性。

    Fullerene-like nano-crystalline CN_x films and its characteristics of field electron emission ;

  8. 硅处理工艺对金刚石聚晶性能的影响

    The influence of silicon process on polycrystal diamond performance

  9. 类球状微米金刚石聚晶膜场发射的稳定性

    The Field Emission Stability of Globe-like Diamond Microcrystalline Aggregates

  10. 掺杂烧结金刚石聚晶致密化试验烧结粉煤灰陶粒的研制

    Study and Test of Sinter Fly Ash Ceramsite

  11. 金刚石聚晶的抛光方法

    A new method EOR polishing sintered diamond

  12. 试论在人造金刚石聚晶合成中的堵头形貌与聚晶磨耗比的关系

    On the relationships Between the Abrasive Ratios and Appearances of Endcaps in Synthetic Polycrystalline Diamonds

  13. 生产人造金刚石聚晶所需的石墨片和石墨模是用石墨棒加工的。

    Graphite blade and graphite mould used in the production of synthetic polycrystalline mass are made from graphite bar .

  14. 硼皮金刚石聚晶中硼原子的分布及对耐热性的影响

    Investigation of the Distribution of Boron Atoms and Its Effect on the Heat-resistance in the Aggregate Crystal of Boron-coated Diamond

  15. 应用电解法回收钻头中的人造金刚石聚晶,使其重复使用,可以降低钻头的实际成本。

    The author utilized electrolysis to retrieve polycrystal from on an artificial diamond bit and made them reused , which could reduce actual cost of the bit .

  16. 这一结果与文献[1]提出的金刚石聚晶粘结的原子结构理论相一致。

    The tested results have showed that the binding force between atoms Ti and the diamond surface is bigger than Ni , which is agreement with the atomic structure theory of diamond polycrystals [ 1 ] .

  17. 结果表明:人造金刚石聚晶的磨耗比与磁性之间存在着一定的关系,即一定的烧结条件下聚晶的磁性愈强反而它的磨耗比愈小。

    The results indicated that there existed a certain relationship between the abrasion ratio and magnetism of the synthetic polycrystalline diamond under certain sintering condition , namely the bigger the magnetism , the smaller the abrasion ratio .

  18. 利用超声相干技术的几种不同测速方法,测量金刚石聚晶及其它一些超硬材料在室温或960℃以下温区的纵波和横波速度,以此研究这类材料的声学特性和弹性性能。

    Using different methods of the ultrasonic interferometer technique for the velocity measurement , the acoustic properties of the superhard materials are derived and studied at room temperature and at high temperature ( up to 960 ℃) .

  19. 粘结剂含量和烧结工艺的不同会影响聚晶的磨耗比,通过磁性测量可以对金刚石聚晶的质量进行无损伤检测。

    However , the differences in the bond content and sintering technique have certain influence on the abrasive ratio . A non-destructive inspection of the quality of the synthetic polycrystalline diamond can be made by the magnetism measurement .

  20. 人造金刚石聚晶具有接近金刚石单晶的硬度和耐磨性,其韧性、可加工性和价格等方面具有明显优势,在加工非铁金属和非金属材料中得到越来越广泛的应用。

    The use of polycrystalline diamond in nonferrous and non-metal materials is increasing recent years due to its obvious advantages of the hardness close to mono crystal diamond , abrasion resistance property , toughness , easy to process and low price .

  21. 通过对国内外研究现状分析,充分讨论了诸因素对人造单晶金刚石和聚晶金刚石热稳定性的影响。

    The paper analyzed the status of thermal stability research of synthetic single crystal diamond and polycrystalline diamond ( PCD ) at home and abroad , and discussed the influences of the main factors for them .

  22. 通过用金刚石砂轮磨削聚晶金刚石(PCD)材料的试验,研究了磨削速度vs对PCD材料磨除率Q、磨耗比G的影响。

    Through an experiment of grinding polycrystalline diamond ( PCD ) by diamond grinding wheel , the influences of grinding speed v s on PCD material removal rate Q and grinding consumption ratio G are researched .

  23. 首先对金刚石砂轮磨削加工聚晶金刚石的磨削力和磨削温度进行了测试和分析,利用扫描电镜对工件加工表面进行了微观分析研究。

    The force and temperature of polycrystalline diamond grinding with diamond wheel are tested and analyzed , the machined surface is investigated with scanning electron microscope .

  24. 金刚石膜刀具和聚晶金刚石刀具硬度高,耐磨性好、磨擦性好、磨擦系数小、抗粘接性强,用于有色金属的高光洁度加工。

    These kind of cutting tools have high hardness , good wear-resistance , low friction coefficient , can be used for high surface finishes machining of non-ferrous .

  25. 对天然金刚石、人造金刚石单晶及人造金刚石聚晶的性质、特点以及在现代精密加工中的应用作了比较。

    Analyses the quality and characteristic of the savageness diamond , synthetic diamond and PCD , compares the applications in the present exactitude machining .

  26. 预计在硬岩、中硬岩石中使用金刚石强化柱齿截齿、热稳定性金刚石聚晶截齿是最有前途的。

    It is expected that diamond enhanced inserts cutter and thermally stable diamond composite cutters are ideal tools for drilling both in hard rock and medium hard rock .

  27. 详细介绍了天然金刚石的发现、特性、鉴别方法和应用范围,论述了金刚石粉体、单晶金刚石、金刚石膜和聚晶金刚石的人工合成方法和应用情况。

    The discover , characteristics , differentiation method and the application range of natural diamond have been described . The artificial synthesis and applications of the diamond powders , monocrystalline diamond , diamond film and polycrystalline diamond have been summarized .

  28. 通过高温高压下金刚石再生长烧结方法,采用细粒度金刚石微粉作原料,铁基金属微粉作烧结助剂,在六面顶超高压设备上进行了金刚石聚晶的制备。

    By the re-growth and high-pressure sintering method , using fine diamond powder as raw material and Fe - based metal powder as sintering agent , polycrystalline diamond ( PCD ) was prepared in a cubic press .