
  1. 中国各银行确实发行Visa、万事达和美国运通(AmericanExpress)的信用卡,它们的支付活动是通过这些银行的外汇网络完成的。不过,几乎没有中国商家会接受这些信用卡。

    Chinese banks do issue Visa , MasterCard and American Express credit cards whose payments are processed through their foreign-currency networks but few Chinese merchants accept them .

  2. 根据Swift的数据,大约74%的人民币支付活动发生在香港,不过英国、新加坡和台湾也出现了强劲增长。

    Some 74 per cent of renminbi payments are concentrated in Hong Kong , according to Swift , but the UK , Singapore and Taiwan are also seeing strong growth .

  3. 通过对网上支付活动中银行的作用、流程、角色分析、存在的问题及SWOT分析等提出银行在网上支付的发展方向。

    Activities on the online payment through bank role , process , role analysis , SWOT analysis of the problems and banks in online payment and so on the direction of development .

  4. 再者转移支付活动立法化缺失,使得支付方式不规范,支付活动透明度低,缺乏必要的监督等各种问题的产生。

    The lack of legal system of transfer payment activities has caused non-standard payments , low transparency in the activities , a lack of the necessary supervision and other issues .

  5. 系统对纳入一体化系统管理的财政资金支付活动进行全过程实时监控,提供事前、事中、事后的预警机制,为预算执行监控管理工作提供高效的技术支撑。

    System for real-time monitoring the entire process of integration into the system management of fiscal fund payment activities , provide beforehand , early warning mechanism , afterwards , to provide technical support for the efficient monitoring and management of budget execution .

  6. 73%的人知道使用公共无线网络时不宜做网上支付等活动。

    And 73 % know using public Wi-Fi is bad for secure activities , such as paying bills online .

  7. 3.尼克森用行贿基金支付监视民主党活动的款项。

    Nixon used a slush fund to finance spy on the democrats .

  8. 在我国社会主义财政实践中,早已有财政转移支付的经济活动。

    It also exists in the public finance practices of socialist economic activities .

  9. 等同的现金支付为经营活动提供了较少地附加物,无形的资产和财产,厂房和设备。

    Equals Net cash provided by ( used in ) operating activities less Additions to intangible assets and property , plant and equipment .

  10. 我们特别把佣金提高至4%已使你方能支付在促销活动中可能发生的广告费用。

    We have specially raised the Commission to4 % so as to enable you to cover the advertising expenses you may incur in sales promotion .

  11. 在这种情况下企业可流动资金不足以支付日常管理活动和相关税费时,就需要依靠银行贷款解决此问题。

    In this case enterprises can not be sufficient liquidity to pay day-to-day management activities and related taxes and fees , they need to rely on bank loans to solve this problem .

  12. 孤注一掷的办法貌似也解决不了问题,发动一场抵制延期支付机构的活动可能会诱发反垄断调查.暗地行贿将发票放在列表前列的办法也很可能会让你锒铛入狱。

    Desperate measures are also unlikely to help . Starting a boycott of late-paying authorities could trigger an antitrust investigation . And paying sweeteners to move invoices to the top of the list can land you behind bars .

  13. 网上支付是电子商务活动的核心环节,也是开展电子商务的基础条件。

    Electronic payment is the core link and foundation of E-Commerce .

  14. 支付其他与投资活动有关的现金。

    Other cash payments relating to investing activities .

  15. 网上支付作为电子商务活动的中心环节,是网上银行的发展方向。

    Payment in network as a core circle of electronic commercial activity , represents the developmental direction of network banks .

  16. 顾问费是按照顾问的实际工作天数进行支付,具体见活动验收报告。

    The consultant charge is to be paid according to the actual work days , referring to the project final check up report .

  17. 电子支付是电子商务活动中最核心、最关键的环节,是交易双方实现各自交易目的的最后一步,也是电子商务得以进行的基础条件。

    Electronic payment is the core and the base of e-commerce through which the parties in a transaction could finally realize the purpose of such transaction .

  18. 算法实现上,以活动序列变量、支付进度变量以及活动执行模式变量构成决策变量,其中活动序列变量的迭代是一个难点。

    In order to carry out the algorithm , a main variable which has three parts that are activity-order , payment scheduling and activity pattern is designed .

  19. 支付无疑是商业活动中最为重要的一环,高效而可靠的支付是衡量交易的重要标准。

    It is no doubt that payment of commercial activities is the most important part , efficient and reliable payment transaction is a measure of the importance of standards .

  20. 公平的签名交换方案是实现数字合同签署、电子支付等电子商务活动的一项重要技术,它的有效实现一直是人们追求的目标。

    The scheme of fair exchange of digital signatures is important tool to signing digital contracts , e-payment and other electronic commerce actions . Its efficient realization has still been pursued since it appeared .

  21. 电子商务的发展需要良好的支付环境作为保障,在线支付是电子商务活动中必不可少的环节,它的发展关系着电子商务的发展。

    The development of e-commerce environment needs for good payment environment , online payment is an essential part of e-commerce activities , and its bearing on the development of e-commerce .

  22. 然而,中国移动支付市场引人注目的交易金额中,有一部分支付与实际经济活动并不相关。

    However , the eye-catching transaction value of Chinese mobile payments partly reflects payments that do not necessarily correspond to real economic activity .