
fān huǐ
  • back out;back out (of a commitment, promise,etc.)
翻悔 [fān huǐ]
  • [back out (of a commitment, promise,etc.)] 对先前允诺的事后悔而拒绝承认

翻悔[fān huǐ]
  1. 一旦许下诺言,就不要想翻悔。

    Once you 've given your word , don 't try to back out .

  2. 他起初同意,过后又翻悔了。

    At first he agreed , but later he backed out .

  3. 她与我们洽谈成交后又翻悔了。

    She welshed on the bargain she made with us .

  4. 一旦你签署了合约,就无法翻悔。

    Remember , once you 've signed the contract , there 's no turning back .

  5. 她已做出决定,既然如此,就无可翻悔了。

    She had made her decision and from that point there could be no turning back .

  6. 无论做什么事,要先有目标,目标既定,就不要翻悔。

    You must have an aim no matter what you are going to do , and once you set the aim , never give up .