
yáng qì
  • sublate;throw away;develop what is useful or healthy and discard what is not
扬弃 [yáng qì]
  • (1) [sublate;develop what is useful or healthy and discard what is not]∶哲学上指事物在新陈代谢过程中,发扬旧事物中的积极因素,抛弃旧事物中的消极因素

  • (2) [throw away]∶抛弃

扬弃[yáng qì]
  1. 传统文化的现实价值与科学扬弃

    The Realistic Value and Scientific Sublate of the Traditional Culture

  2. 并试图对这两种文化分别进行扬弃与整合。

    Meanwhile It also tries to sublate and adjust these cultures respectively .

  3. 我们该扬弃不干预生产的腐臭路线。

    It is time to put an end to the rotten line of noninterference in production .

  4. SOA已经经历了黑格尔说的扬弃,并且现在可以只作为整体的一部分来促进新的创新。

    SOA has gone through its Hegelian sublation , and can just be part of the landscape now that enables new initiatives .

  5. 创造发达的区域物质文化,建构符合WTO精神的社会主义制度文化,扬弃旧有的区域意识文化,将使我们在迎接传播全球化的进程中立于不败之地。

    Creating the flourishing regional material culture , building the socialist system culture in conformity with the WTO spirit , and discarding the old regional ideological culture will stand us in an invincible position in the process of the globalization of communication .

  6. 传统人伦文化中的父子关系之现代扬弃

    The Modern Developing of the Traditional Relationship between Fathers and Sons

  7. 扬弃与超越:马克思人学理论的逻辑特色。

    Develop and discard : logic feature of Mark human-science theory .

  8. 扬弃文化与心理断奶

    Culture of carrying out and giving up , and psychological weaning

  9. 异化是马克思主义哲学的重要范畴之一,马克思曾指出自我异化的扬弃同自我异化走的是一条道路。

    Alienation is one of the most important categories of Marxism .

  10. 异化劳动的扬弃与和谐劳动的建构

    Sublation of the Alienation Labor and Construction of the Harmonious Work

  11. 德性伦理是人存在的真正的伦理形态,是个体善和公共善、自然善和社会善的高度统一,是对人的异化伦理的积极的扬弃,是人对人的伦理本性的真正占有;

    Virtue ethics is the real ethics mode for human existence .

  12. 多元股份制:一元股份企业制度的扬弃

    Summary on the National Colloquium of Multi - share System

  13. 悲剧的日神因素和酒神元素这一对立在悲剧中被扬弃而归于统一。

    The opposition between Apollo and Dionysus elements is united in tragedy .

  14. 和谐社会的构建:从伦理中轴到制度中轴&论扬弃和超越儒家和谐治理观

    The Building of Harmonious Society : from Ethic to System

  15. 民意的刑事政策分析:一种双向考量后的扬弃

    Analysis on Public Opinion from the View of Criminal Policy

  16. 分析了可持续发展对现代化理论的扬弃与创新。

    It analyzes what sustainable development sublets and innovates the theory of modernization .

  17. 餐饮文化建设中的扬弃

    Sifting in the Construction of Dining and Drinking Culture

  18. 最后,是对民族文学传统的继承和扬弃。

    And thirdly , in inheriting and fostering the literary tradition of nationality .

  19. 扬弃悖论命题的方法和标准

    Measures and Criteria for the Solution of Paradox Propositions

  20. 论对罗蒂协同真理观的扬弃

    A Sublate on Rorty 's New-Pragmatic Theory of Truth

  21. 依靠科学技术扬弃黄酒传统工艺

    Based on science & technology , developing the traditional craft of rice wine

  22. 它是对受实证主义思潮影响的古典犯罪论体系的扬弃。

    This system sublates the classic criminal theory system who is influenced by positivism .

  23. 论契约的建立与扬弃

    On Establishing , Developing and Discarding the Contract

  24. 论传统伦理文化的扬弃和升华

    On Sublation and Sublimation of Traditional Ethics Culture

  25. 可持续发展是对传统发展观的反思和扬弃。

    Sustainable development is the reflection and develop-discard of the traditional view of development .

  26. 现代法治建设也必须在扬弃传统礼治的基础上进行构建。

    Modern legal construction must be based on traditional " rule by ceremony " .

  27. 马克思对康德哲学革命的扬弃

    Marx 's Sublation of Kant 's Philosophical Revolution

  28. 马克思主义对黑格尔哲学的扬弃

    Discussing sublation of Hegel 's philosophy by Marxism

  29. 论中国传统诚信及其扬弃

    On Chinese Traditional Honesty and Its Development

  30. 扬弃私有制&对社会、社会伦理、社会主义概念的历史考察

    Abandoning Private Ownership & Historical Examination of Concepts of Society , Social Ethic and Socialism