
  • 网络continuous trading;back-to-back transaction;discrete transaction
  1. 知情交易者的连续交易策略

    Study on Continuous Trading Strategy of Informed Trader in Financial Market

  2. 本文运用达尔文生物进化论思想研究连续交易金融市场选择的动态变化及一般均衡规律。

    This paper analyses dynamics and general equilibrium problem of continuous trading market selection by means of Darwin evolutionary ideas .

  3. 基于股票价格的对数正态分布假设,Black-Scholes模型运用连续交易保值策略成功解决了有效证券市场中的欧式期权定价问题。

    Based upon underlying asset 's lognormal distribution and hedging continuously , Black-Scholes model has solved European option 's pricing in efficient market successfully .

  4. 连续交易制度下的股市操纵模型

    Study on the model of stock market manipulation based on sequential trading

  5. 并最终得出了连续交易的博弈结果。

    Finally , the paper educes the game result of the continuous trades .

  6. 目前,黄金与白银期货品种都已经在上海期货交易所上市并已经启动了连续交易制度。

    Currently , gold and silver commodity futures have been listed on the Shanghai Futures Exchange and have initiated the continuous trading system .

  7. 而是试图寻找现实中顾客连续交易情景中常见的影响因素,并将其引入该研究情景中,借以分析顾客购买意愿的变化趋势是否会受到这些因素的干扰,变化趋势如何改变。

    But tried to find the effect factor in common situations , and to analyze the variation tendency of whether these factors altered the tendency .

  8. 黄金是一种全球性的投资品种,至今在全球范围内已经形成了由美国黄金市场、欧洲黄金市场、香港黄金市场等世界主要的黄金市场所形成的24小时连续交易的全球黄金市场。

    Gold is a global investment products , so far it has formed the 24 hours of continuous trading global gold market by the major gold market in the world such as American gold market , European gold market , Hong Kong gold market in the global scope .

  9. 结果显示即使δt充分小,离散时间交易与连续时间交易也存在着本质不同。

    Results display that there exists fundamental difference between continuous-time trade and discrete-time trade even if δ t is small enough .

  10. 这个原则同意你连续多次交易,但是一旦你亏钱了,它就会减慢你的速度。

    This rule allows you to have more trades when you 're on a roll , but slows you down when you are starting to lose money .

  11. 高频交易是一种连续快速交易的形式,旨在从同种资产在交易所与其它交易平台之间的细微价差中获利。

    High-frequency trading is a form of rapid-fire trading that seeks to eke out profits from the tiniest pricing differences between assets traded on exchanges and other platforms .

  12. 虚拟账户拥有真正帐户所具有的一切功能,包括真实市场汇率、实时市场分析的使用权以及执行卖出连续报价交易的能力。

    The account has the full capabilities of a " real " account including live market rates , access to real-time market analysis , and the ability to execute trades off streaming prices .

  13. 债权人与债务人就某项商品在一定期间内连续发生交易而签订的合同,可以附最高额抵押合同。

    The contract executed by a creditor and a debtor for the continuous transaction of a specific commodity in a given period of time may be accompanied by a contract of mortgage of maximum amount .

  14. 基于连续双向拍卖交易机制的金融市场微观结构研究

    Research on Financial Market Microstructure Based on Continuous Double Auction Trading Mechanism

  15. 1929年连续两个交易日的跌幅分别为12.8%和11.7%。

    The1929 crash was back-to-back declines of12.8 % and11.7 % .

  16. 澳大利亚股市同样收低,结束了连续八个交易日的涨势。

    Australian stocks also ended lower , ending an eight-session run of gains .

  17. 这一惊人警告连续两个交易日令中国银行类股承压。

    The stark warning has weighed on Chinese bank shares for two straight days .

  18. 在伦敦,富时100指数(FTSE100)未能创下连续12个交易日上涨的纪录。

    In London , the FTSE 100 failed to achieve a record-breaking 12-session run of gains .

  19. 公信原则的基本功能则在于保护动态交易安全,使连续发生的交易活动不致因原权利人主张权利而毁于一旦;

    The fundamental function of the principle of public trust lies in protecting the dynamic safety of transaction .

  20. 通过对连续双向拍卖交易收敛到竞争均衡过程的分析,发现了与有效市场假设相悖的结果。

    With converging to the competitive equilibrium in continuous double auction , it shows paradox results with efficient market hypothesis .

  21. 从去年10月到今年5月,布伦特原油价格连续240个交易日保持在每桶100美元上方。

    Brent crude traded above $ 100 a barrel for 240 days in a row , from October last year to May .

  22. 此前央行连续五个交易日没有通过常态化的公开市场操作向金融体系注入资金。

    Over five consecutive trading sessions , it had refrained from injecting cash in the financial system through its regular open-market operations .

  23. 市场对选举结果反应平淡,欧元止住了连续四个交易日的跌势,兑美元汇率上升0.2%。

    Markets reacted calmly to the election result with the euro snapping a four-day losing streak to gain 0.2 per cent against the dollar .

  24. 中国国企股(即H股)指数也连续6个交易日创下新高,上涨1.5%,报收于13221.12点。

    The index of China Enterprise stocks , or H shares , also set a sixth successive record as it climbed 1.5 per cent to 13, 221.12 .

  25. 建立描述限价指令市场中连续双向拍卖交易机制下短期价格动态变化的理论模型。

    In this paper , we establish a theoretical model to describe the dynamics of the short-term price under continuous double auction mechanism in limit order markets .

  26. 不过,尾盘空头气焰高涨,三大指数齐步下挫,道琼指数已经连续七个交易日走低。

    However , the closing session saw three major indexes ' slump with the Dow Jones index remaining in low for 7 trading days in a row .

  27. 韩国综合股价指数在经历了连续五个交易日上涨后出现下跌,跌幅超过7%,其中钢铁和汽车出口类股跌幅最大。

    South Korea 's main Kospi index lost more than seven percent , and steel and auto exporters were the big losers-a sobering reversal after five sessions of gains .

  28. 本论文第二部分对最优投资组合问题的发展现状作了介绍,引入了连续型带有交易费用的多风险投资模型,并对进一步发展进行了展望。

    Secondly , we discuss the optimal investment model , We introduce the mathematical model of multiple risky investment with transaction costs and make a expectation for the next progress .

  29. 上证综指已连续3个交易日上涨,这种连续上涨在近几个月里是罕见的。一些人认为,市场可能终于找到了底部。

    With the Shanghai Composite index up for three straight days , a rare winning streak in recent months , some believe the market might have finally found a bottom .

  30. 这一局面催生了许多行业连续多年的交易热潮,这些行业内的公司正在寻求整合,以获得相对竞争对手的规模优势和对客户的影响力。

    That combination has provided the impetus for a multiyear boom in dealmaking led by industries where companies are seeking consolidation to gain scale over competitors and leverage over customers .