
  • 网络Connection Table;Join table;link table;junction table
  1. 有时候,如果负载过重,连接会挂起,并且会占用连接表空间。

    Sometimes , under load , connections hang around and take up connection table space .

  2. 第二步进行覆盖图间的优化,使用一种基于历史连接信息的覆盖图间优化算法HCI,在该算法中,每个节点维护多张树内连接表和一张树间连接表。

    The second step is the inter-overlay optimization , which proposes a historical connection information based inter-overlay optimization algorithm ( HCI ), in which each node maintains multiple inter-tree connection tables and one intra-tree connection table .

  3. 标签中的table属性用来指明连接表。

    The tag 's table attribute specifies the link table .

  4. 确实如此,Book和Author之间的关系已经超出了简单连接表的范围。

    Indeed , the relationship between Book and Author goes beyond the simple join table .

  5. 例如:SQL可以连接表或嵌套查询。

    One example : SQL can join tables or nest queries .

  6. 提出了一种用于描述团簇拓扑结构的连接表(connectivitytable,CT)并应用于团簇结构的相似性检测。

    A novel and effective cluster similarity checking method using the connectivity table ( CT ) was proposed .

  7. 简单的OS的连接表

    Attachment table in simple OS

  8. GORM向BookAuthor连接表添加bookid和authorid,而不是向Book或Author表添加一个外键。

    Rather than adding a foreign key to either the Book or Author table , GORM adds book_id and author_id to the BookAuthor join table .

  9. 在数据库中,用三个表表示m:m关系:前两个表您已经知道了(Book和Author),第三个是一个连接表(BookAuthor)。

    In a database , three tables represent m : m relationships : the two tables you 'd expect ( Book and Author ), and a third join table ( BookAuthor ) .

  10. 连接表中已包含输入的项。

    The entry you have entered is already covered in the connections table .

  11. 此项已在连接表中。

    This entry is already in the connections table .

  12. 同时文中还介绍了本系统使用的一种简便的紧缩连接表的结构存贮方法。

    A simple compact structure storage method used in the system is also presented .

  13. 创建一个连接表来管理这个关系会非常适合。

    Creating a join table to manage this relationship would be the right thing to do .

  14. 实验室低级连接表语言

    Laboratory low-level linked list language

  15. 这个步骤至少需要3个连接表(3个连接表中包含自连接)。

    This step requires a minimum of3 tables to be joined ( where the3 tables can include self-joins ) .

  16. 当连接表的连接列上没有可用索引时,通常使用该连接方法。

    This join method is usually used when no index is available on the join columns for the joining tables .

  17. 连接表允许将具有一个作者的图书和具有多个作者的图书持久化。

    The join table allows you to persist books with a single author as well as books with multiple authors .

  18. 您可以连接表1中显示的元素(以及其他操作符)并加以组合使用,从而构建(非常)复杂的正则表达式。

    You can string together the primitives in Table 1 ( and other operators ) and use them in combination to build ( very ) complex regular expressions .

  19. 标签用来指明连接表与当前类的映射表实现连接的外键。

    The tag 's column attribute specifies the foreign key column in the link table that relates the link table to the mapping table for the current class .

  20. 上图显示了在连接表实现中用相同数量的远程调用(即4个)来检索整个购物车。

    The figure shows that the same number of remote calls , namely four , is used to retrieve the entire shopping cart as in the joined-tables implementation .

  21. 在关系数据库模式中,出价就像一个连接表,但它们自身有实际的意义,因为每个出价都有一个数量。

    In a relational database schema the bids act like a join table , but they are actually meaningful in their own right because each bid also has an amount .

  22. 不需要专门的备份负载均衡器,具有很好的可扩展性。采用实时同步连接表的方法,在负载均衡器出现故障时可以不间断已有的网络连接,从而提高了集群系统的可用性。

    By means of synchronizing the connection tables , the existing connections remain available when one or more load-balancers are in trouble , which improves the availability of cluster system .

  23. 当一个或多个连接表上没有索引时,或者当数据库服务器必须从所有连接表中读取大量行时,就使用这种方法。

    It is used when there are no indexes on one or more joining tables , or when the database server must read a large number of rows from all joining tables .

  24. 本文总结了迄今为止所提出的化学结构的计算机描述方法:系统命名祛、碎片码、线性码、拓扑码、连接表以及非经典方法。

    This paper reviews the computer-oriented approaches for chemical structures representation devised by now , namely Systematic Nomenclatures , Fragment Codes , Line Notations , Topological Codes , Connection Tables and non-classical methods .

  25. 其中包括:从线型到连接表表示的转换算法,对分子结构、分子结构同构判别法及相似度计算;除向前推理方法外,还增加了向后推理的方法;

    These techniques are transformation algorithm from linear to connective list notation for molecular representation , division of molecular structure , judgment method of molecular identity , calculation of molecular similarity , backward inference to predict reactions by model match , ring structure recognization and structure match method .

  26. 讨论在VB数据库开发环境和Access2000数据库管理系统中,如何实现VB应用程序动态创建和连接数据库表。

    This text mainly discusses with Access 2000 database management system in VB database development environment how to establish and join database form in VB application program .

  27. 使用了哪些种类谓词来连接引用表?

    What kinds of predicates are used to join the referenced tables ?

  28. 如何知道嵌套循环方法是连接这些表的正确方法?

    How do you know that the nested loop method is the right way to join these tables ?

  29. 如果没有缺省连接,表会创建矢量积,这样会导致处理缓慢。

    If there is no default join , the tables create a cross product , and this can result in slow processing .

  30. 需要按分区键进行连接的表应该有相同数量的分区,并且应该在相同的值上断开。

    Tables that will be joined on the partitioning key should have the same number of partitions and should break on the same values .