
  • 网络house-husband;house husband
  1. 《每日邮报》暗示说,萨科奇还有可能当一位“家庭妇男”。

    The daily mail hints that the former president may even decide to become a house husband .

  2. 上述发现来自于一项历时25年的研究,该研究对2500多对夫妇的婚姻进行了分析。此前有其他研究表明家庭妇男更易产生婚外情。

    The finding is the result of a 25-year study of more than 2,500 marriages , comes hot on the heels of other research showing that house-husbands are prone to affairs .

  3. 例如,那些妻子整天工作的家庭妇男,同那些与妻子赚钱相当的男性相比,有外遇的几率要大五倍。

    For instance , house husbands whose wives worked all day were five times more likely to have an affair than those who contributed an equal amount of money to the partnership .