
jiā fù quán
  • patria potestas
  1. 在梅因考察的古代社会,控制个人的权力表现为家父权,它以诸权合体的形式出现,政治、经济权力不分,家父决定一切。

    In ancient times , it was " Power of the Father " that controlled individuals and determined everything , such as politics and economy .

  2. 因此,国家对如何调整家庭内部的血亲关系尤其是父与子之间的亲子关系十分重视,以家父权为核心的中国古代亲子法在整个封建法律体系中处于十分重要的地位。

    The government , therefore , pays great attention to adjust the kindred relationships , especially the relationship between the fathers and sons . Chinese ancient parentage laws which concentrate on the paternity are of great importance in the whole feudal legal system .