
  • 网络domestic animal reproduction;livestock reproduction
  1. 日粮多不饱和脂肪酸对家畜繁殖性能的影响

    Effect of Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Animal Reproductive Performances

  2. 孕酮酶免疫测定试剂盒的研制及其在家畜繁殖上的应用

    Preparation and quality control of progesterone micro-titer plate enzyme immunoassay kit and its application to animal reproduction

  3. 随着胚胎工程技术在人类辅助生殖领域和家畜繁殖领域中的应用,科研工作和商业活动需要大量的优质胚胎。

    With the application of embryo biotechnology in human assistant reproduction and animal reproduction , people need lots of high grade embryos for scientific research and commerce .

  4. 阐明卵泡闭锁机制对于揭示生殖调控的奥秘,提高卵巢利用率和卵母细胞成熟率,提高家畜繁殖效率,均具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    It is of importance theoretically and practically to elucidate the mechanisms on follicular atresia for a better understanding to reveal the mysteries in reproductive control , to increase the utilization rate of ovaries and IVM rate of oocytes and to improve the efficiency of livestock breeding .

  5. 家畜的繁殖性状是重要的经济性状之一。

    Livestock breeding trait is one of important economic traits .

  6. 精子是一种重要的生物遗传资源,精子冷冻特性的研究是实验动物快速繁殖、家畜生产繁殖、生物资源多样性保护及人类不孕不育治疗的重要研究内容。

    Sperm is an essential genetic resource for mammalian . Sperm cryopreservation play an important role in fast propagation of experimental animals , livestock breeding , biodiversity conservation as well as human infertility and sterile .

  7. 家畜的繁殖采用了人工辅助交配技术,家禽的孵化上,发明了利用温水、温火提高温度的人工孵化技术。

    Artificial muting technique was used in the reproduction of homes tic animals . Lukewarm water and lukewarm fire , an artificial incubation technique to improve temperature , were also used in incubation of homes tic animals .

  8. 家畜胚胎移植技术是家畜繁殖学领域一项高新生物技术。

    Livestock embryo transfer ( ET ) is one of the new and advanced biotechnology in field of livestock breeding .