
  1. 中国人的休闲方式正在由少变多,逐渐变化。

    In China , the leisure styles have taken great changes .

  2. 灌木层植物的种类组成表现出种类由少变多、组成结构简单到复杂、由喜阳植物垄断到耐阴种类不断增多的动态特征。

    The shrub species shows the dynamic character of number increasing , compositional structure changing complex , the ratio of photophygous species growing large .

  3. 江苏滨海盐土向潮土演化过程中,水溶性F~-含量经历了由少变多,再由多变少的过程。

    Water-soluble F ~ - in coastal saline soil of Jiangsu Province changed firstly from low to high content , then from high to low during desalinization process of the soil .

  4. 随着手机、宽带等无线设备的普及使用,无线通信设施的建设分布也从无到有、由少变多的遍及城乡各地。

    With the popularity of mobile phones , broadband and other wireless devices , wireless communication facilities , the construction of distribution from scratch , by little more throughout the urban and rural areas .

  5. 笔者对兰州市近年蔬菜产销发展问题做了系列专题调查研究后认为,兰州市蔬菜生产的重点应实现四个转变:即品种由少变多;

    After having done a series of investigations and researches of special topics on Lanzhou vegetable production-marketing development in resent years , the authors hold that the emphasis of the vegetable production for Lanzhou city should rest on " four transforms ", i.e.vegetable varieties from few to more ;