
  • 网络Your Choice
  1. 上或下,我的朋友,由你选择

    In or out my friend , it 's your choice .

  2. 为了生存你要流多少血?生存或者死亡,由你选择。

    How much blood will you shed to stay alive ? Live or die , make your choice .

  3. 记者GMT、UTC、GPS、原子时、太阳时,由你选择。

    CORRESPONDENT GMT , UTC , GPS , atomic time , solar time , you take your pick .

  4. 交货期可以是六月或七月,由你选择。

    Linda : The delivery time can be June or July at your option .

  5. 你如何选择自己的行为,但后果却不由你选择。

    You can choose your actions , but you can 't choose the consequences .

  6. 就可以由你来选择我们看哪个频道。

    You will be ready to choose the channels we watch .

  7. 积极的休闲活动是由你随意选择自己感兴趣而且满意的活动。

    Active leisure is free activities you choose that challenge and fulfill you .

  8. 那也是由不得你选择。

    But that wasn 't of your choosing .

  9. 这都由你来选择。

    It is up to you to choose .

  10. 将由你来选择是否接受

    should you choose to accept it .

  11. 现在由你做主选择未来我们要走的路。

    Now it 's up to you to choose the path we take from here .

  12. 这完全由你来选择。

    The choice rests entirely with you .

  13. 如果你生存的世界由你来选择,你会选择一种什么样的世界呢?

    If you could choose what kind of world to live in , what kind of world would you choose ?

  14. 税务易通行密码由你亲自选择,以加密格式储存于税务局。

    The e-tax password is selected by yourself and is stored in an encrypted form in the Inland Revenue department .

  15. 由你来选择球员并与他们共事,我相信对于做好工作我是信心百倍。

    You choose the players and you work with the players , and I believe I have a lot of confidence to do this .

  16. 作为首都,北京为人们提供了各种各样的娱乐活动,当然要玩什么,还是由你来选择。

    As a metropolis , Beijing provides all kinds of recreational activities , although it is up to you to decide what you enjoy most .

  17. 接近学期结束时,你们将有机会选择一个项目来做,一个完全由你自己选择执行的项目。

    Towards semester 's end you will have the opportunity to choose a project to work on , choose a project that is entirely of your own choice to execute .

  18. 借用中国最流行的网络语录“人生就是一个杯子,而它是‘杯具’还是‘洗具’,全由你自己选择。”

    China 's most popular online slang terms is that one popular choice could be " Life is a cup , it 's up to you to decide whether it 's a drinking cup or a toothbrush cup . "

  19. 你的命运不是由你的天赋或是能力决定的,而是由你的选择决定了你最终的命运。

    It is not your talents or abilities , but your choices that ultimately decide your fate .