
  • 网络Naga;Naga Sea Witch
  1. 她们在山中闭关,并与娜迦和谐相处了数个世纪。

    They have lived with the Naga for centuries in harmony atop their mountain retreats .

  2. 受尽永恒女皇恩泽的僧侣被认为是娜迦帝国的核心与思想。

    Monks of the Eternal Empress are said to be the heart and mind of the Naga Empire .

  3. 她是娜迦(瀛洲势力)的主神。

    She is the patron-deity of the Nagas ( Sanctuary faction ) .

  4. 我们娜迦很快就会重新占领地面世界,并向夜精灵复仇!

    Soon , we will reclaim the surface world , and take vengence upon the night elves !

  5. 娜迦们尊重这些灵体,就像其他亚山世界的水中生活的高贵生物一样。

    The Nagas respect this spirit as the most noble creature to swim the waters of Ashan .

  6. 在诺森德,阿尔萨斯被在天灾攻击中幸存下来的高档精灵娜迦伏击。

    In Northrend , Arthas was ambushed by elves surviving the attack of the scourge on Quel'Thalas .

  7. 受到亚莎三个女儿&黑暗之龙,大地之龙和水之龙的委托,娜姆塔茹蛛母守护了娜迦上千年。

    The Mother Namtaru had been entrusted to their guardianship for over a millennia by the three dragon daughters of Asha .

  8. 这一事件,被称作“伟大的流出”,并由此诞生出了娜迦们的一个延续至今的传统习俗。

    This event , known under the name of the Great Shedding , gave birth to a traditional ritual still performed today by the Nagas .

  9. 之后,她和另外两位“落跑新娘”--来自锡陀塔那迦的普里扬卡·库马丽和来自圣卡贝尔娜迦的约媞,以及苏拉布组织的创始人班德什瓦·帕塔克成为了社会的焦点。

    Later , she along with the two other " runaway brides " - Priyanka Kumari from Siddharthanagar and Jyoti from Sant Kabeernagar - and Bindeshwar Pathak , the founder of sanitation NGO Sulabh International , took centre stage in an enclosure .