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  1. 第三章运用顺应论对《家有儿女》第一部中的幽默对白进行详细的分析。

    Chapter three applies Adaptation Theory to the analysis of the humorous dialogues extracted from Home with Kids I.

  2. 现在,可能所有人都在谈论Facebook和苹果(Apple)刚刚推出的卵子冷冻福利,但其他公司也有一些为家有儿女的员工提供的丰厚福利。

    Everyone may be talking about Facebook and Apple 's new egg-freezing perk , but there are plenty of other great offerings for parents at companies across the country .

  3. 大概是家有儿女,所以,也爱看《家有儿女》。用我爱人的话:“又在那复习呢”

    Probably is the family has the children , therefore , also likes looking " Family Has Children " . With my spouse 's speech : " In that review "

  4. 该研究由美国国家心理健康研究所与佐治亚州立大学共同主导,基于一项常识性前提下&每位家有儿女初长成的父母都知道:当孩子进入青春期后,他们的注意力会发生巨大变化。

    The study , conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health ( NIMH ) and Georgia State University , begins with a premise that every parent of a tween knows : as kids emerge into puberty , their focus changes dramatically .

  5. 7月份时,威廉曾向记者们滔滔不绝地讲述他们一家四口的生活,表示“家有儿女初长成”的感觉“棒极了”。

    In July , William gushed about his family of four to reporters , declaring their growing brood " fantastic . "