
shēn qǐnɡ zhí xínɡ
  • petition for enforcement
  1. 有足够证据申请执行令吗?

    Or enough evidence to get a warrant for han ?

  2. 代位权诉讼与代位申请执行之探微

    Executive Force Probing into Lawsuit of Subrogation and Application for Execution in Subrogation

  3. 客户程序无法完成申请执行的所有操作。

    The client was unable to successfully complete all of the requested operations .

  4. 申请执行的操作无效。

    The requested action is not valid .

  5. 本案系一方当事人申请执行我国涉外仲裁裁决案。

    This case concerns the application of one party for execution of foreign arbitral award in China .

  6. 民事强制执行的价值取向注重保障申请执行人的权利得以实现,同时兼顾效率优先。

    To ensure the value orientation in the right to apply for execution , both the efficiency is preferential .

  7. 倘争议双方均属法人或其它机构,则申请执行的时间限制为六个月。

    If at least one of the parties to the dispute is an individual , the time limit is one year .

  8. 一方拒绝履行的,对方当事人可以向人民法院申请执行。

    Where one party refuses to carry it out , the opposing litigant may request its execution at the people 's court .

  9. 向有管辖权的法院申请执行已生效的法院判决、裁定、调解书等法律文书;

    To apply to the courts that have jurisdiction to enforce the binding judgments , decisions , mediation documents and other legal paper ;

  10. 代位权是一种实体权利,其实现方式分两种:代位权诉讼和代位申请执行,二者在我国都有所规定。

    The right of subrogation is substantial one that can be realized by the lawsuit of subrogation and the application for execution in subrogation .

  11. 第二是对民事判决执行力扩张中的特殊制度&申请执行之诉和异议执行之诉进行了研究分析。

    The second is analyze the special system that is execution objection lawsuit and enforcement application lawsuit in the civil judgments executive power expansion .

  12. 对方当事人可以向有管辖权的人民法院申请执行,受申请的人民法院应当执行。

    The adverse litigant may ask for its execution at the competent people 's court , and the people 's court shall execute it .

  13. 申请人依裁定向人民法院申请执行的,人民法院应予受理。

    If the applicant files an enforcement application with the people 's court based on the ruling , the people 's court shall accept the application .

  14. 笔者认为,变更和追加被执行人的,首先应由申请执行人提出,由执行机构移送原审判庭依法审理予以认定。

    The writer holds that shifting and adding the executed must be first put forward by the executor and then be sent to the original court to affirm .

  15. 专门人民法院、人民法庭不审理行政案件,也不审查和执行行政机关申请执行其具体行政行为的案件。

    Special courts and dispatched people 's tribunals shall not hear administrative cases , nor shall they review or enforce applications for enforcement of specific administrative actions filed by administrative organs .

  16. 债务人在前款规定的期间不提出异议又不履行支付令的,债权人可以向人民法院申请执行。

    Where the debtor fails to raise objections in writing and refuses to carry out the order of payment , the creditor may request the people 's court to execute the order .

  17. 第六十四条一方当事人申请执行裁决,另一方当事人申请撤销裁决的,人民法院应当裁定中止执行。

    Article 64 If one party applies for enforcement of an award while the other party applies for cancellation of the award , the people 's court receiving such application shall rule to suspend enforcement of the award .

  18. 申请执行的期限,双方或者一方当事人是公民的为一年,双方是法人或者其他组织的为六个月。

    The time limit of request for execution is one year where the litigants of both parties or one party are individuals , the time limit is six months where the two parties are enterprises or other organizations .

  19. 一方当事人不履行的,另一方当事人可以依照民事诉讼法的有关规定向人民法院申请执行。受申请的人民法院应当执行。

    If one party fails to execute the award , the other party may apply to a people 's court for enforcement in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law , and the court shall enforce the award .

  20. 在第一章中,笔者首先介绍了我国申请执行期限制度的现状,并对现行申请执行期限的性质进行分析,得出申请执行期限在性质上是诉讼期间的结论。

    In the chapter one , author give information about the system of the duration of application for enforcement . Then author analyse the nature of the duration of application and draw a conclusion that its nature is duration of civil procedural law .

  21. 地方审计机关开展绩效审计的对策研究一方拒绝履行的,对方当事人可以向人民法院申请执行,也可以由审判员移送执行员执行。

    Studies of the Performance Audit of the Chinese Local Government Where one party refuses to carry it out , the opposing litigant may request its execution at the people 's court or the judge may transfer the matter to the marshal for execution .

  22. 民事执行程序能否圆满实现申请执行人的权利,除了外部因素以外,关键是看被申请人有无可供清偿的财产,即在客观上有无清偿债务的能力。

    The successful implementation of civil enforcement proceedings can apply for the right holders , in addition to external factors , the key is to look at is whether the applicant for the property settlement , that is , objectively speaking , whether debt capacity .

  23. 执法人员与当事人有直接利害关系的,应当回避。一方拒绝履行的,对方当事人可以向人民法院申请执行,也可以由审判员移送执行员执行。

    If a law-enforcing officer shares a direct interest with the party , he shall withdraw . Where one party refuses to carry it out , the opposing litigant may request its execution at the people 's court or the judge may transfer the matter to the marshal for execution .

  24. 申请、执行国家自然科学基金资助项目六年总结

    Six-year summary on the application and implementation of NSFC aid

  25. 法官裁决被告能申请暂缓执行监禁。

    The judge ruled that the defendants could file a supersedeas bond .

  26. 试述如何向人民法院申请强制执行

    Discussion on How to Apply for Compulsory Execution to the People 's Court

  27. 不足以申请暂缓执行

    is sufficient to warrant a stay of execution .

  28. 5.申请强制执行判决的诉讼当局于是加强执法行动,而大批儿童涌入本港的情况也于一九九七年五月得以遏止。

    Enforcement action was stepped up and the influx subsided in May 1997 .

  29. 均可按照第153i条申请暂停执行该命令。

    May , in accordance with section153i , apply for the order to be suspended .

  30. 如有需要,参赛队伍可以在赛前向主裁判申请免于执行本条规则。

    If necessary , teams may apply to the Chief Judge PRIOR to performance for exemption from this rule .