
shēn sù
  • appeal;complain
申诉 [shēn sù]
  • (1) [appeal;complain]

  • (2) 对所受处分不服时,向处理机关或上级机关提出自己的意见

  • 向上级提出申诉

  • (3) 对法院的判决或裁定不服时,依法提出重新处理的要求

  • 不服判决,提出申诉

申诉[shēn sù]
  1. 他说他们将对该决议提出申诉。

    He said they would appeal against the decision

  2. 他们不服判决,决定申诉。

    Not satisfied with the verdict , they decided to make an appeal .

  3. 葡萄牙向国际法院提出了申诉。

    Portugal has lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice .

  4. 被告申诉在调查期间受到了恐吓。

    The defendant complained of intimidation during the investigation .

  5. 申诉的手续相当简单。

    Making a complaint is quite a simple procedure .

  6. 申诉程序复杂耗时。

    The complaints procedure is clumsy and time-consuming .

  7. 银行要是不肯帮忙,就去找申诉专员。

    If the bank is unhelpful take it up with the Ombudsman .

  8. 参议院的雇员可以向别的政府部门申诉工作问题。

    Senate employees could take their employment grievances to another branch of government

  9. 诺伍德中士申诉说这篇文章对他进行了诽谤。

    Sgt Norwood complained that the article defamed him .

  10. 她申诉说自己并非蓄意谋杀,而是过失杀人,法官接受了她的申诉。

    A judge accepted her plea that she was guilty of manslaughter , not murder .

  11. 我不得不申诉他的无礼。

    I have to complain against him because of his rudeness .

  12. 他声称遭无理解雇,仍然希望赢得申诉。

    He still hopes to win his claim against unfair dismissal .

  13. 一些规模很大的反托拉斯案子都是由向司法部的申诉开始的。

    Some of the biggest antitrust cases were initiated by complaints taken to the justice department .

  14. 他申诉了他的冤情

    He gave air to his grievances .

  15. 申诉者认为不准确的事或推断都是不负责任的

    Petitioners suggest that anything less than certainty , that any speculation , is irresponsible .

  16. 为所有的申诉求助后,被同样不负责任的诋毁的公众

    For that whole group of citizens whose appeals for assistance have been similarly and irresponsibly denigrated .

  17. 作为劳工关系专家,她负责处理该地区所有的申诉和仲裁

    She was the labor relation specialist , and handled all grievances , and arbitrations for the region .

  18. 经申诉委员会评议后,决定该项比赛进行重赛。

    Following a review by the jury of appeal , it was decided that the race should be re-swum .

  19. 对于重赛的决定,国际残奥委会发言人克莱格·斯宾塞表示,27日的比赛后收到申诉,称比赛中“第五道的中国运动员(李桂芝)和第六道的荷兰运动员(利塞特·布鲁斯曼)发生了无意识的接触”。

    The re-swim came after a statement by International Paralympic Committee spokesman Craig Spence , who said that there had been an appeal after Friday 's race , during which " the Chinese athlete in lane five [ Li Guizhi ] and the Dutch athlete in lane six [ Liesette Bruinsma ] unintentionally came into contact with each other . "

  20. WTO预计将在未来6到7个月就欧盟的申诉做出裁定。

    This is expected in the next six to seven months .

  21. option周三表示,该公司已撤销了反倾销和反补贴申诉。

    Option said on Wednesday that it had withdrawn its anti-dumping and anti-subsidycomplaints .

  22. 这个申诉程序未能进行,由于华盛顿和布鲁塞尔要求WTO开展一个官方调查。

    It that fails to resolve the dispute , Washington and Brussels can ask the WTO to launch a formal investigation .

  23. CC将为您提供书面通知此类申诉,诉讼或采取行动。

    CC will provide you with written notice of such claim , suit or action .

  24. 美国正考虑就中国的知识产权保护状况,向世界贸易组织(WTO)提出申诉,而欧盟则没有采取这一行动。

    Washington is considering filing a complaint with the World Trade Organisation against China 's intellectual property rights record , a move Brussels has avoided .

  25. WTO发现,互相提起申诉的美国和欧盟均违反了补贴规则。

    The WTO has found both the US and the EU , which have brought cases against each other , in breach of subsidy rules .

  26. 即便如此,谷歌向布鲁塞尔方面做出的让步,很可能将小于微软(microsoft)及其他申诉者要求的程度。

    Even so , the concessions offered to Brussels are likely to fall short of what Microsoft and other complainants are pressing for .

  27. 欧盟政府官员表示,在欧盟就美国补贴波音所提起的申诉未得到WTO裁定之前,双方不太可能启动旨在解决争端的谈判。

    European government officials said negotiations to resolve the dispute were unlikely to begin before the WTO ruled on Europe 's case against US aid to Boeing .

  28. (vi)指定作为申诉主题的域名(或多个域名);

    Vi ) Specify the domain name ( s ) that is / are the subject of the complaint ;

  29. 不过,2012年,世界贸易组织(WTO)裁定中国存在对外国支付处理商的不公正歧视,使提出申诉的美国胜诉。

    But in 2012 the World Trade Organisation ruled China unfairly discriminated against foreign payment processors , handing a victory to the US , which brought the complaint .

  30. 美国贸易官员即将向世界贸易组织(WTO)提出申诉,质疑中国对钢铁生产及其它行业原材料的出口限制。

    US trade officials are close to filing a case against China at the World Trade Organisation challenging export restrictions on raw materials used in steel - making and other industries .