
  1. 对我校新一轮本科学科专业结构调整工作的思考

    The New Structural Adjustment of Our School 's Disciplines and Specialty

  2. 高校学科专业结构调整探讨

    Probe on the adjustment of disciplines and majors of institute of high learning

  3. 多科性大学图书馆的专业文献建设&源于大学学科专业结构调整的思考

    Construction of Multiversity Professional Document & Talk From the Adjustment of the Specialty'Structure

  4. 高等学校办学目标定位与学科专业结构调整

    To design the G. The Orientation of Colleges and the Adjustment to the Specialized Subjects

  5. 安徽高校学科专业结构调整研究与实践

    Research and practice of discipline and speciality structure adjustment at colleges and universities in Anhui Province

  6. 内蒙古高等教育学科专业结构现状研究

    The Current Situation Research on the Structure of Subjects and Majors in Inner Mongolian Higher Education

  7. 根据辽宁的产业结构,规划高等教育的学科专业结构。

    Fifth , programme the subject and specialty structure according to the industry framework of Liao Ning .

  8. 创新学科专业结构,培养经济建设和社会发展需要的高层次人才;

    Innovating structure of subjects and majors to cultivate high-level talents demanded by economic and social development ;

  9. 首都体育学院本科学科专业结构调整的思考

    Thinking About the Structural Adjustment of the Subject of Undergraduate Course of Capital Institute of Physical Education

  10. 认真研究出国留学的学科专业结构。把出国留学教育管理当作重要的人力资源管理。

    We must conduct more careful study of disciplinary structure and take management in study abroad as human resources management .

  11. 全国普通高等学校新一轮本科学科专业结构调整,对我们来说是一次难得的机遇。

    It is a rare opportunity for our school to have a new round of structural adjustment of the disciplines and specialty .

  12. 基于中国东盟自贸区建成背景下,进一步调整优化学科专业结构,适应广西区域经济发展的需要;

    Thanks to the establishment of CAFTA , we should further adjust and optimize specialty structure to meet the needs of regional economic development ;

  13. 所以,从根本上说学科专业结构直接决定着高等教育的质量以及服务社会的能力。

    Therefore , fundamentally speaking , the structure of subjects and majors directly determines the quality of higher education and the ability of serving for the society .

  14. 自扩招以来,大学生就业难的问题日益严重,学科专业结构设置不合理在一定程度上加剧了这种困境。

    Since the expansion , the employment of college students is becoming increasingly serious , academic major structure set up unreasonable to some extent exacerbated this vulnerability .

  15. 为以就业为导向的高等教育学科专业结构、规模调整提供决策依据,降低了决策风险。

    And the rules of college students employment can provide policy-making basis and reduce policy-making risk for adjusting the structure and scale of employment-oriented disciplines in higher education .

  16. 因此,解决我国的教育过度问题,对高校来说关键是调整和优化学科专业结构,创新教育思想,提高人才培养质量。

    Therefore , colleges and universities are responsible for adjusting and optimizing the syllabus and structure of specialities , and innovating education so as to promote the quality of talent .

  17. 阐述了高校学科专业结构调整的必要性和紧迫性,分析了当前高校学科专业结构调整中存在的问题,提出加强高校学科专业结构调整以提高人才培养质量的对策。

    Based on the necessity , urgency , and the current status analysis , the countermeasures to strengthen disciplines structure adjustment at colleges and universities are proposed to improve talents ' bringing-up .

  18. 同理,高等教育能否实现其三大职能在很大程度上取决于高等教育结构,而学科专业结构又是高等教育结构中的核心组成部分。

    Similarly , whether higher education can achieve its three major functions depends largely on its structure , while the structure of subjects and majors is the core component in the higher education structure .

  19. 高等学校的教育教学都要围绕专业而展开,因此不同历史时期、不同国家都十分重视学科专业结构及其调整问题。

    The education and teaching of the higher education institution are all unfolded around the specialty , therefore great importance has been attached to the issues concerning specialty though in different countries and different times .

  20. 要培育区域高校社会服务能力,就要按照区域社会经济结构和要求,调整学科专业结构,不断扩展社会服务领域;

    To foster community service abilities in colleges and universities , colleges and universities must adjust professional structures according to the economic structures of regional community . And they should continuously expand the community service fields .

  21. 目前,高校师资队伍学科专业结构的不合理状况较为严重,缺乏正常合理的人才流动机制,高校师资资源配置的现状也急需得到改善。

    Now , the unreasonable condition of the subject structure of college teacher troops is relatively serious . It lacks normal and reasonable talent floating mechanism , and the present situation of college teachers ' resource disposition is also urgent to get improvement .

  22. 实践证明,合理的学科专业结构既能培养出社会所需的人才又能促进社会经济发展,反之,则会影响社会经济的发展,因此,研究内蒙古高等教育学科专业现状具有一定的现实意义。

    It is proved by Practice that reasonable structure of subjects and majors can not only cultivate talents needed by the society , but also promote the development of social economy ; on the contrary , unreasonable structure will influence on the development of social economy .

  23. 学科专业结构是高等教育结构中最基本的、最核心的结构,本论文作为一个对自治区高等教育结构初步的研究尝试从学科专业结构的角度对自治区高等教育结构展开研究。

    Disciplines and professional is the basic and the core of the Higher education structure , as a preliminary study on the structure of higher education of Autonomous regions , try to study the Autonomous higher education structure from the point of view the structure of Professional and disciplines .

  24. 要真正实现构建科学合理的学科专业结构,必须吸取国外研究型农业大学学科专业建设方面的成功经验,加大对学科专业结构的调整力度。

    To truly realize a scientific and rational structure of discipline and specialties , we must gain excellent professional development experience from foreign Research Agriculture University , to be more initiative , construct and improve the management mechanism , and strengthen its efforts to adjust professional structure of disciplines .

  25. 高等师范院校要从教师教育思想观念的创新、学科专业结构的调整和人才培养模式改革等方面积极推进教师教育管理制度的改革创新,为建设有中国特色教师教育体系做出新的贡献。

    They should actively carry out the reform in management systems from aspects of bringing forth new ideas , adjusting the structure of subjects and specialities and reforming the mode of cultivating qualified personnel so as to make new contributions to the building of teachers education with China 's characteristics .

  26. 建立服务于都市型农业的学科及专业结构体系

    Establishing Subject and Specialty Structure System Serving Agriculture of Urban Type

  27. 学科和专业结构不合理;

    Unreasonable structures in courses and specialties ;

  28. 高等教育结构主要分为地区结构、层次结构、学科及专业结构。社会必要劳动时间与高等教育结构之间存在着内在联系。

    The structure of higher education is mainly divided into local structure , level structure , subject structure and professional structure .

  29. 面对就业压力,高等院校应在转变教育观念、改革人才培养模式、优化学科和专业结构的基础上,重视大学生社团建设。

    Facing the pressure from the employment , the universities should put emphasis on the society building of college students on the basis of changing the educational ideas , reforming the patterns of training the talents , optimizing the construction of courses and majors .

  30. 引起高校毕业生就业难的因素很多,我们认为,高校学科专业设置结构不合理,毕业生就业因学科专业的社会适应性、针对性较低而出现结构性矛盾是主要因素之一。

    There are a lot of factors causing graduates ' employment difficulty . we think the unreasonable structure of the college discipline specialty is one of the main factors , which caused the structural contradiction of the graduates'employment appearing as the low social adaptability and pertinence of the disciplinary specialty .