
  • 网络internal finance;internal financing;in-house financing
  1. 企业通常的3种融资方式分别为内部融资、股票融资、债权融资。

    The means of three kinds of finance inside business enterprises usually are internal finance , share finance and debt finance .

  2. 但只有一小部分比例的中国公司在证券交易所上市,通常主要依靠公司内部融资。

    But only a small proportion of Chinese companies are listed on the stock exchange and those that are rely mainly on internal finance .

  3. HD公司生产规模小,绝对利润少,内部融资能力严重不足;

    HD company is small in size and profit , so the ability for inner financing is limited .

  4. 内部融资的RD投资中,由于信息不对称,项目执行者是否诚实地提供项目类型的信息将对RD投资效率至关重要。

    Due to information asymmetry , whether the executer honestly provides information about the project type will be critical to the profit or loss of the R & D investment .

  5. 本文主要是运用信息有限性和融资优序理论,根据融资方式中的财政融资、内部融资、债权融资和股票融资分析了F水务公司的融资策略,并且分析了各自的风险,提出风险防范措施。

    This paper mainly uses information limited and pecking order theory , according to the financing mode of financing , internal financing , debt financing and stock financing analysis of F Water Service Company financing strategy , and analyzed their risk , put forward risk prevention measures .

  6. 基于heckman模型,运用生猪供应链上的农户实地调查数据,实证分析了供应链内部融资环境下影响农户信贷可获性的因素。

    Based on Heckman model , applying field survey data from farmers on live pig supply chain , the influence of internal financing in supply chain on farmer credit availability is analyzed empirically .

  7. Donalson(1961)[1]首先观察到了企业可能遵循首先内部融资、其次是债务、再次才是发行股票的次序进行融资,这引发了大量学者对融资次序研究的兴趣。

    Donalson ( 1961 ) [ 1 ] first observed that enterprise may obey the rule of firstly inner financing 、 secondly debt and lastly stock in financing , which interests many other researchers .

  8. 公司的融资方式有两种:内部融资和外部融资。

    Corporate financing has two kinds : internal financing and external financing .

  9. 科研院所可能的融资方式包括内部融资和外部融资。

    The financing channels of research institute include inside financing and outside financing .

  10. 内部融资包括科研经费、内部职工筹资和自有资金。

    Inside financing include research fund , financing from employees and own capital .

  11. 融资顺序不合理,先外部融资再内部融资,先股票融资再举债融资。

    Financing order is not reasonable .

  12. 内部融资作为公司投资的重要来源之一,可以用来适时把握投资机会。

    As one of the key sources , internal financing can be used to take investment opportunities .

  13. 本文旨在研究供应链内部融资与季节性农产品发展的关系。

    This paper intends to analyze the relation between supply chain internal financing and seasonal agricultural development .

  14. 作为一种重要的内部融资手段,公司现金持有政策是公司管理层必须要考虑的一个问题。

    Being an important internal financial source , corporate cash holding policy must be considered by managers .

  15. 内部融资占倨主要地位。

    Interior and exterior financing .

  16. 主要的解决方法是通过提高内部融资意识,增强可持续发展能力;

    The main solutions are : enhancing the internal financing consciousness , strengthening the ability of sustainable development ;

  17. 企业融资来源按照分类方式的不同主要有内部融资以及外部融资、负债性融资与权益融资之分。

    As for financing , there are external finance and internal finance , debt finance and rights finance .

  18. 企业持有现金是企业内部融资的一个重要手段,与投资行为密切相关。

    Cash holdings , as an important means of internal financing , is closely related to investment behavior .

  19. 企业投资活动所需要的资金来源于两个方面:外部融资和内部融资。

    The fund that enterprise 's investment activity needs stems from two respects : Outside financing and inside financing .

  20. 根据国外的融资结构理论和实践,企业融资的顺序是:内部融资、债券融资、最后才是股票融资。

    According to the financing theory and practice abroad , financing order is financing inside , bond and stock .

  21. 由于内部融资的局限性,外源融资就成为了企业主要采用的融资方式。

    Due to the limitations of internal financing , external financing has become the main approach of enterprises seeking money .

  22. 企业受到的外部融资约束越强,企业就越偏好使用内部融资。

    The stronger the outside financing restrains that enterprises receive , the greater partiality enterprises have for using inside financing .

  23. 因此企业在为投资项目进行融资时,会偏好使用成本较低的内部融资方式。

    So enterprises will have a partiality for the inside financing way with lower cost when financing for the investment project ;

  24. 根据啄序融资理论,在出现资金短缺时,企业应该优先考虑内部融资。

    According to the Pecking Order financing principle , when in short of funds firms would favor internal financing over external financing .

  25. 外资企业对母公司直接投资的依赖性较大,内部融资居首要地位,其次是外部负债融资。

    FIEs depend on the direct investment of parent company , the first is interior financing fund , the second is exterior liabilities financing .

  26. 同时在融资方面提出了引入战略投资者、充分利用内部融资方式、加强风险投资基金的运用、积极探索融资新方式。

    We may also attract strategic investor , adopt interior financing adequately , using venture capitals fund more and quest new mode of financing actively .

  27. 融资困境分析是本文的重点之一,文章从内部融资、间接外部融资和直接外部融资三方面对公司融资困境进行了比较详细的分析。

    Outer Financing and Business Performance The problem is discussed from the three aspects : inner financing , indirect outer financing and direct outer financing .

  28. 该理论认为,企业的融资顺序应该是首先内部融资,其次是债券融资,股权融资最后。

    This theory holds that the financing preference of enterprises should be internal financing first , followed by bond financing , and finally equity financing .

  29. 由实证分析可以看到,在我国的资本市场上,普遍存在上市公司内部融资比例偏小,外部融资比例偏大的现象;

    Through empirical analysis , in the capital market of China , the proportion of internal equity financing is less than that of external equity financing .

  30. 但中小企业在发展过程中往往出现资金紧张,融资难的问题,改善内部融资环境是解决中小企业融资难问题的有效对策。

    But shortage of funds and financing difficulties often occur during their development . To improve the financing environment inside is effective countermeasures to resolve the problems .