
nèi cún yì chū
  • out of memory
  1. 内存溢出在%08X

    Out of memory at % 08X

  2. 分割批量更新调用,以保持生成的XML足够小,不会出现内存溢出异常。

    Split up batch update calls to keep the generated XML small enough to not run into out of memory exceptions .

  3. B:当使用高清晰度的图像时,打印预览将消耗大量资源,在某些情况下甚至会因为性能太低和内存溢出而无法使用。

    B : When using high resolution images , the Print Preview will consume large resources and in some cases it will not even be usable because of low performance and memory overflow .

  4. 复用距离已经成为程序cache行为的一种重要度量标准,但高复杂度和可能的内存溢出问题使得其难以应用。

    Reuse distance has become an important metric of program cache behavior , but high complexity and possible memory overflow problem make its using difficult .

  5. 就算没有内存溢出,当内存消耗很高时GC的开销也会很大。

    Even when it didn 't actually run out of memory , the GC overhead was just too high when memory consumption was high .

  6. 增加该特性的目的在于解决旧版本的ActiveMQ中一个常见问题:当使用非持久化的消息时会导致内存溢出。

    This feature was added to address a common problem in previous versions of ActiveMQ with running out of RAM buffer when using non-persistent messaging .

  7. 产生这种需求的原因可能是运行缓慢的服务、Java虚拟机(JVM)崩溃、挂起、死锁、频繁的JVM暂停、突然或持续的高CPU使用率、甚至于可怕的内存溢出(OOME)。

    The reasons driving this can range from a slow service , JVM crashes , hangs , deadlocks , frequent JVM pauses , sudden or persistent high CPU usage or even the dreaded OutOfMemoryError ( OOME ) .

  8. 由于会话缓存和二级缓存的原因,系统会频繁地内存溢出。

    It ran out of memory frequently due to the session cache and second level cache .

  9. 局部故障:确保内存溢出时,系统总是处于安全状态。

    Partial failure : ensure that running out of memory always leaves the system in a safe state .

  10. 关于为什么会发生内存溢出异常的更多深入的讨论,可以参看我先前的帖子。

    For a more indepth discussion on why you get Out of Memory exceptions see my earlier post .

  11. 坦言之,调用这些函数的代码太容易产生“内存溢出”问题了。

    Frankly , it is too easy to write code with buffer overruns when using the existing functions .

  12. 讨论了抽样分点估计的收敛性,给出了不发生内存溢出的保证概率。

    A brief discussion on the convergance of sample-seperator estimation is given and the probability to avoid memory overflow is calculated .

  13. 预览进程可能会因消耗大量资源而表现不佳,并很可能最终导致内存溢出的异常。

    The preview process would likely consume very large resources resulting in poor performance and is likely to end up with out-of-memory exception .

  14. 尽管这能把你从重新关联中解脱出来,但会话可能会内存溢出,在高并发系统中可能会有旧数据。

    Although it saves you from reattachment , the session may grow out of memory and probably has stale data for high concurrency systems .

  15. 在我们的测试机上,当在测试进度中允许默认的记录时,超过五个用户参与的短期(10分钟)测试就导致了内存溢出错误。

    On our test machine , short-term ( 10-minute ) tests with more than five users caused out-of-memory errors when default logging was enabled in the test schedule .

  16. 该方法有效地避免了一般复用距离分析可能导致的内存溢出问题,同时使得复用距离分析达到线性时间复杂度。

    This method avoids possible memory overflow problem in normal reuse distance analysis , at the same time this method makes complexity of reuse distance analysis decrease to linear .

  17. 然后,服务器管理员则必须处理由此导致的“内存溢出”错误,集群环境中的服务器相似性,以及服务器重启时的串行化异常。

    Server administrators then have to deal with the fallout in the form of " out of memory " errors , server affinity in clustered environments , and serialization exceptions on server restarts .

  18. 由于数据流具有突发、潜在无限等特性,在某个瞬间,流速可能会突然急剧加大从而导致短时间内内存溢出,以至于不能继续正常的查询处理。

    As data streams are burst and infinite , in a moment , the arrival rates of some streams may be suddenly sharp increase and memory overflow resulting in a short period of time , which leads to prejudice continuous aggregate queries .

  19. 能显示内存泄漏、溢出等等的位置的工具可以解决内存管理问题,我发现MEMWATCH和YAMD很有帮助。

    Tools that show the location of memory leaks , overruns , and the like can solve memory management problems , and I find MEMWATCH and YAMD helpful .

  20. 这样做可防止在C++里很常见的一个编程问题:由于程序员忘记释放内存造成的内存溢出。

    This eliminates a certain class of programming problem : the so-called " memory leak ," in which a programmer forgets to release memory .

  21. so,可以检测内存泄漏、内存写溢出、释放野指针和内存管理函数的不匹配等问题。

    The module can detect memory leak , write overflow , free wild pointer and mismatch using of memory functions of the executable files .

  22. 如果程序出现不正常的高内存负载、频繁无响应或内存溢出,通常最好的分析切入点是查看内存对象。

    If your application is experiencing unusually high memory load , frequent freezes or OOME , its often most useful to start by understanding just what kind of objects are present in memory .

  23. 这个例子中,程序内存占用快速上升,直到产生程序内存溢出。

    In this example the applications memory usage increased rapidly , to a point where the application simply ran out of memory .

  24. 当内存不够时才回收这些由软引用的对象,从而保证了内存不溢出。

    The soft-using object will be called back until the internal memory is inadequate , which will stop internal memory not leaking out .

  25. 针对内存管理和使用的各类错误,设计并实现一个基于Linux的动态内存检测模块,可以对源码程序检测出内存泄漏、内存写溢出、野指针操作和内存管理函数的不匹配等问题。

    For all sorts of errors of dynamic memory usage , a dynamic memory detection module based on Linux is designed and implemented , which can detect memory leak , writing overflow , manipulation of wild pointer and mismatching usage of memory functions .