
  • 网络constant;define constant
  1. 在IDL中定义常数的语法和语意与C++一样。

    The syntax and semantics for defining constants in IDL are identical to C + + .

  2. 枚举定义常数,用以指定在应用程序打开文件时其他进程是否可以访问该文件。

    Enumeration defines constants that specify whether or not other processes can access the file while your application has it open .

  3. 当复制到s1的字符串长于s1的分配大小(即BUFSIZE,一个在stdio.h中定义的常数)时,就会发生缓冲区溢出情况。

    This can happen if the string copied into s1 is longer than the allocated size of s1 , which is BUFSIZ ( a constant defined in stdio . h ) .

  4. 所以我们这样定义平衡常数。

    So we define , then , equilibrium constant this way .

  5. 可以用十进制、十六进制或八进制记数法定义整数常数

    Integer constants can be defined in decimal , hex or octal notation

  6. 不导入在模块外定义的常数。

    Constants defined outside of a module are not imported .

  7. 您可以使用由您所用的控件或组件定义的常数,也可以创建您自己的常数。

    You can use constants that are defined by the controls or components you work with , or you can create your own .

  8. 指定证书具有一个未定义的名称常数。

    Specifies that the certificate has an undefined name constant .

  9. 本文广义地定义了循环常数,并对含有无穷多个洞的非单连通域上的曲线积分进行了讨论。

    This paper , we generalize definition of recurring constant , and discuss the line integrals of a function on non-simply connected region with infinite number of holes .

  10. Z-R关系式中的系数A、b在经过标准化后,b可定义为一个常数,而A与降雨率R几乎为一对一的关系。

    After normalized , the b parameters of Z-R relation can be defined as constant , and parameter A almost has one-to-one relation with rainfall rate R.

  11. 定义枚举中的常数。

    Define the constants in the enumeration .

  12. 本文依据物理测量单位可变换本质,定义了量纲相似常数。

    In this paper the dimension resemblance constants have been defined basing on the changeable essence of physical units .