
dìng shù
  • destiny;rated;fate;God's will;definite number;quota
定数 [dìng shù]
  • [quota] 确定数量

  • 包工实行三定,就是定数、定质和定时

  • (1) [God's will;destiny;fate]∶一定的气数;定命

  • 在迷信的人看来,什么事都有一个定数

  • (2) [rated]∶确定的数量

  • 这台机车的牵引定数,由原来拉一千多吨提高到二千三百吨

定数[dìng shù]
  1. 在巴基斯坦政治历史上的这个紧要关头,一切皆非定数。

    Nothing seems certain in this crucial period in Pakistan 's political life .

  2. 很多人以为,凡事都有一个定数。

    Many people believe fate decides everything .

  3. 我俩的结合是冥冥之中的定数。

    To be together is our destiny

  4. 方法回顾性阅读已确诊的脑囊虫病例的MRI片,并于横断面、矢状面、冠状面的立体结构上对全部病灶进行定位、定数及MRI解剖分析。

    Methods Anatomy analysis to the diagnosed cerebral cysticercosis in axial , sagital and coronal imaging were performed retrospectively .

  5. 定数截尾数据场合下的统计分析重点在于对共同的形状参数α和加速方程中的系数a,b进行估计。

    Under type II censoring , we make a special effort to estimate the common shape parameter a and the coefficients a , b in accelerated equation .

  6. Weibull分布基于定数逐次截尾寿命数据的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis for the Weibull Distribution Based on Type II Progressively Censored Data

  7. 指数分布基于多重定数截尾样本的近似Bayes估计

    The Approximated Bayes Estimates for the Exponential Distribution Based on Multiple Type II Censored Samples

  8. 定数截尾时可靠性指标的Bootstrap区间估计

    Bootstrap interval estimation for reliability indices from type ⅱ censored data

  9. 定数截尾寿命试验三参数威布尔分布的Bayes统计分析

    Bayes Statistical Analysis of the 3-Parameter Weibull Distribution from Life Test of Type II Censoring Case

  10. 基于指数型元件的定数截尾寿命试验数据,给出了k个贮备系统组成的串联系统可靠性的近似置信限。

    In this paper , the formula to calculate lower confidence limits of the reliability for series system consisting of k standby systems is given .

  11. 指数分布定数截尾情形失效率函数的经验Bayes检验问题

    Empirical Bayes Test Problem for the Failure Function Based on Type ⅱ Censored Samples in Exponential Distribution

  12. 定数双截尾样本下k/N(G)系统可靠性指标的经验Bayes估计

    Empirical Bayes Estimation of the Reliability Performances for k / N ( G ) System Based on Type ⅱ Doubly Censored Samples

  13. 三参数Weibull分布定数截尾下形状参数的区间估计

    Interval Estimator of Shape Parameter of Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution Based on TYPE - ⅱ Censored Sample

  14. 指数分布下定数截尾步加试验参数的二次加速因子Bayes估计

    Secondary acceleration factor 's Bayes estimation on the constant tail-cutting off and step increase experiment parameters in the exponential distribution

  15. 定数截尾试验下两参数Weibull分布尺度参数的最优稳健Bayes估计

    The Optimal Robust Bayes Estimation of Scale-Parameter for the Two-parameter Weibull Distribution under the Type - ⅱ Censoring Life Test

  16. 在定数双截尾样本下,研究了不可修k/N(G)系统可靠性指标的估计问题。

    Based on type ⅱ doubly censored samples , the problems of estimating the reliability performances for k / N ( G ) system are studied by using Bayes and MLE approaches .

  17. 在交叉步进应力加速寿命试验中,假定在各组应力下产品的寿命分布为指数分布,对于定数截尾样本,求加速方程中系数的线性无偏估计(BLUE)。

    In the alternate stepwise stress accelerated life test , Under type ⅱ censoring of data from Exponential distribution , we give the linear unbiased estimates ( BLUE ) of the coefficients in acceleration equation .

  18. 在指数分布场合,定时或定数截尾试验下,本文讨论了相应于几种不同先验分布可靠度的Bayes估计。

    Under the exponential distribution fixed number or fixed time censoring , this paper discusses Bayes estimation of the R ( t ), when the prior distribution is different .

  19. Blair是不是真的会和这位准未婚夫结婚还难成定数,订婚典礼具体会在哪一集播出也还无从知晓,但是我们可以确定的是,在本季季末有人要向Blair求婚了。

    It 's unclear if Blair actually gets married , or whether the engagement takes place in the season finale or before , but by season 's end , someone pops the question .

  20. 对于定数截尾试验下双参数指数分布刻度参数的经验Bayes估计问题,用间接EB方法得到其EB估计。

    The purpose of this paper is to give the empirical Bayes estimator of scale-parameter for the two-parameter exponential distribution under the type - ⅱ censoring life test with indirect empirical Bayes method .

  21. 以Г-后验期望损失作为标准,研究了定数截尾试验下两参数Weibull分布尺度参数θ的最优稳健Bayes估计问题。

    The problems of the Optimal robust Bayes estimation of Scale-Parameter for the Two-parameter Weibull distribution under the Type - ⅱ censoring Life Test are discussed using the Г - posterior expected loss as the criterion .

  22. 卖方和其指定的服务供应商应根据前述测试程序进行验收测试。定数截尾试验下双参数指数分布刻度参数的经验Bayes估计

    Seller or its designated service provider shall conduct the acceptance tests in accordance with said Test Procedure . The Empirical Bayes Estimator of the Scale Parameter for the Two-parameter Exponential Distribution on the Basis of Type-II Truncated Sample

  23. 本文对包钢白云鄂博铁矿80t电机车在各区间的牵引定数进行了计算,为增加80t电机车的牵引定数,提高白云鄂博铁矿的铁路运输效率提供了理论依据。

    The hauling number for 80t haulage motor on each zone is calculated , which provides theoretic reference to improve the fixed number and transportation efficiency .

  24. 基于定数截尾试验,当其中一个形状参数α已知时,给出了另一个形状参数θ在三种不同损失函数下的Bayes估计表达式,并求得了可靠度函数的Bayes点估计。

    Based on type - ⅱ censoring test , when one shape-parameter is fixed , the Bayesian estimations of another shape-parameter under several loss functions , are given . Also we offer the reliability function an expression of Bayes point estimation .

  25. 第三章将Pareto分布引入到加速寿命试验的研究中,试图在恒定应力加速寿命试验中完整地讨论关于Pareto分布的统计分析。包括定数截尾数据、定时截尾数据场合下的统计分析。

    In chapter 2 , we try to lead Pareto Distribution into the research of accelerated life testing and completely discuss the statistical inference in constant-stress accelerated life testing on Pareto Distribution case under type I and type II censoring .

  26. 本文讨论指数分布定数截尾情形下失效率函数的经验Bayes(EB)检验问题,利用核估计方法构造了EB检验函数并获得了它的收敛速度,最后给出一个满足定理条件的例子。

    In this paper , we study the empirical Bayes ( EB ) test problem of the failure function based on type II censored samples in the exponential distribution . The EB test rule has been constructed by kernel estimation method . The convergence rates are established .

  27. 对于双参数指数分布尺度参数的多重模糊假设检验,本文在定数截尾样本情形,研究其贝叶斯解。先验分布考虑了Jeffreys先验和共扼先验。

    The purpose of this paper is to give the Bayesian rule to multiple fuzzy hypothesis testing for the two parameter exponential distribution under the type ⅱ censoring samples both with Jeffreys prior and conjugate prior .

  28. 在定数截尾样本下三参数威布尔分布的矩估计方程

    Moment Estimation Equation of the Three-parameter Weibull Distribution under Censored Samples

  29. 但这种升级模式能否复制,却没有定数。

    But it is not written that this upgrade pattern is repeatable .

  30. 加挂平板车提高机车牵引定数的实践

    Practice of Hitching Flat - bed Trailer for Raising Engine Drawing Number