- destiny;rated;fate;God's will;definite number;quota

[quota] 确定数量
(1) [God's will;destiny;fate]∶一定的气数;定命
(2) [rated]∶确定的数量
Nothing seems certain in this crucial period in Pakistan 's political life .
Many people believe fate decides everything .
To be together is our destiny
Methods Anatomy analysis to the diagnosed cerebral cysticercosis in axial , sagital and coronal imaging were performed retrospectively .
Under type II censoring , we make a special effort to estimate the common shape parameter a and the coefficients a , b in accelerated equation .
Statistical Analysis for the Weibull Distribution Based on Type II Progressively Censored Data
The Approximated Bayes Estimates for the Exponential Distribution Based on Multiple Type II Censored Samples
Bootstrap interval estimation for reliability indices from type ⅱ censored data
Bayes Statistical Analysis of the 3-Parameter Weibull Distribution from Life Test of Type II Censoring Case
In this paper , the formula to calculate lower confidence limits of the reliability for series system consisting of k standby systems is given .
Empirical Bayes Test Problem for the Failure Function Based on Type ⅱ Censored Samples in Exponential Distribution
Empirical Bayes Estimation of the Reliability Performances for k / N ( G ) System Based on Type ⅱ Doubly Censored Samples
Interval Estimator of Shape Parameter of Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution Based on TYPE - ⅱ Censored Sample
Secondary acceleration factor 's Bayes estimation on the constant tail-cutting off and step increase experiment parameters in the exponential distribution
The Optimal Robust Bayes Estimation of Scale-Parameter for the Two-parameter Weibull Distribution under the Type - ⅱ Censoring Life Test
Based on type ⅱ doubly censored samples , the problems of estimating the reliability performances for k / N ( G ) system are studied by using Bayes and MLE approaches .
In the alternate stepwise stress accelerated life test , Under type ⅱ censoring of data from Exponential distribution , we give the linear unbiased estimates ( BLUE ) of the coefficients in acceleration equation .
Under the exponential distribution fixed number or fixed time censoring , this paper discusses Bayes estimation of the R ( t ), when the prior distribution is different .
It 's unclear if Blair actually gets married , or whether the engagement takes place in the season finale or before , but by season 's end , someone pops the question .
The purpose of this paper is to give the empirical Bayes estimator of scale-parameter for the two-parameter exponential distribution under the type - ⅱ censoring life test with indirect empirical Bayes method .
The problems of the Optimal robust Bayes estimation of Scale-Parameter for the Two-parameter Weibull distribution under the Type - ⅱ censoring Life Test are discussed using the Г - posterior expected loss as the criterion .
Seller or its designated service provider shall conduct the acceptance tests in accordance with said Test Procedure . The Empirical Bayes Estimator of the Scale Parameter for the Two-parameter Exponential Distribution on the Basis of Type-II Truncated Sample
The hauling number for 80t haulage motor on each zone is calculated , which provides theoretic reference to improve the fixed number and transportation efficiency .
Based on type - ⅱ censoring test , when one shape-parameter is fixed , the Bayesian estimations of another shape-parameter under several loss functions , are given . Also we offer the reliability function an expression of Bayes point estimation .
In chapter 2 , we try to lead Pareto Distribution into the research of accelerated life testing and completely discuss the statistical inference in constant-stress accelerated life testing on Pareto Distribution case under type I and type II censoring .
In this paper , we study the empirical Bayes ( EB ) test problem of the failure function based on type II censored samples in the exponential distribution . The EB test rule has been constructed by kernel estimation method . The convergence rates are established .
The purpose of this paper is to give the Bayesian rule to multiple fuzzy hypothesis testing for the two parameter exponential distribution under the type ⅱ censoring samples both with Jeffreys prior and conjugate prior .
Moment Estimation Equation of the Three-parameter Weibull Distribution under Censored Samples
But it is not written that this upgrade pattern is repeatable .
Practice of Hitching Flat - bed Trailer for Raising Engine Drawing Number