
  • 网络Critical Line;borderline
  1. 首先对深基坑工程变形控制进行了详细的论述,提出了基坑有效系数、有效区、失效区、临界线的新概念,提出了深基坑变形控制参考标准和经济有效的变形控制对策。

    The authors firstly introduce deformation control of deep excavation engineering in detail , and put forward new conceptions of effective coefficient , effective area , no-effective area , critical line , the referential criteria and economic-effective measures of deformation control .

  2. 菱铁矿热处理分层现象及临界线度的研究

    Study on the Stratification and Critical Size in Siderite Heattreatment

  3. 以色列巴勒斯坦重回安全临界线

    Israel , Palestinians restore security link

  4. 采用Ishihara提出的临界状态线,计算初始状态参量。

    The initial state parameters are calculated with the critical state line established by Ishihara .

  5. 采用Chavez提出的v-p平面的临界状态线,定义当前孔隙比与当前应力对应的临界孔隙比之差作为状态参量。

    With the critical state line in v-p plane developed by Chavez , the difference between the current void ratio and the critical state void ratio corresponding to the current stress is determined to be the state parameter .

  6. 泥石流沟的临界雨量线分布特征

    Distribution characters of critical rainfall line for the debris flow gully

  7. 半导体工业中临界尺寸线边缘粗糙度的测量

    Line-edge-roughness measurement of critical-dimensions in semiconductor fabrication industry

  8. 根据试验结果,确定了标准砂的临界状态线及临界状态参数。

    Then , the critical state lines are provided based on the test results of different stress paths .

  9. 运用变分方法,我们也调查了混合气体在基态的量子相变情况,并获得了系统的临界相变线。

    Using variational method , we also discuss the ground-state phase transition of the two-component system , and obtain the critical coupling line analytically .

  10. 根据这个相互作用原理,在理论上证明了空间临界状态线的存在性和唯一性以及它与应力是无关的。

    In addition , according to this principle , it was theoretically proved that the space critical state line exists and is unique and independent of the stress history .

  11. 通过室内三轴试验测定出上海粘土的正常固结线、临界状态线及天然强度线,并给出各线的表达式。

    The normal consolidation line , the critical state line and the strength envelope line are determined from the laboratory tests , and equations of these lines are given .

  12. 两种组成都位于临界相包络线的单相一侧,出现第一次接触混相。

    Compositions are both located on the single-phase side of the critical tie-line and are , therefore , miscible by first contact .

  13. 计及转盘陀螺效应的转子临界转速计算图线

    The Critical Speed Diagram of the Rotors Considering the Gyroscopic Effect

  14. 非简谐振动对液氩的临界点与玻意耳线的影响

    The influences of anharmonic vibration 0n critical point and Boyle curve of liquid ar

  15. 在进行大量计算后得到了可供实际使用的各型转子临界转速计算图线。

    After a great quantity of calculations the critical speed diagrams are obtained , which can be used in practice .

  16. 在三种加载工况作用下,考虑双重非线性的临界荷载远小于线弹性和仅考虑几何非线性临界荷载。

    And under the three load cases , the critical load of the cable-stayed arch bridge taking into account double nonlinearity is much smaller than taking into account linear elasticity or geometrical nonlinearity .